𝟬𝟭𝟴 born to die

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     Eden's body shook with terror as she watched Cale's body squirm under Ethan's blade. The boy tried to fight Ethan off, though his body was weak and unable to fight back.

"Couldn't protect her, could you?" Ethan smirked, face bloody and sweaty. "You really are a horrible brother."

Eden sprung forward, snatching the stray knife from the ground. She watched as her brother choked on his own blood. She watched as Cale fought for his life under Ethan's much stronger body.

Then, Eden pierced the blade into Ethan's back, twisting it slowly. Ethan hissed and fell off of Cale's body and ran off to help Quinn with Sam and Tara.

"This isn't over, Eden." Ethan spat.

Eden fell down to her knees, tears blocking her vision. She breathed loudly, her hands pressing down on Cale's open wound. Her brother's face was paling and looked as white as a sheet of paper. His dark eyes were clouded over with pain and his lips were stained with his own blood.

"Don't you die on me, Cale!" Eden screamed, tearing part of her jacket sleeve. She tied it around Cale's wound, blood soaking the piece of fabric.

"Don't be like that." Cale whispered. "Don't go all soft, Edie."

"Cale, stop!" Eden sobbed, unable to think properly. "Don't."

"I love you, little sis. Remember that, 'kay?"

Eden pressed her head against Cale's chest, letting out a cry of agony. "No!" She screamed, voice echoing throughout the entire theater.

Her fingers pressed against Cale's pulse, trying to search for a beat. Beat, Beat..


Eden breathed heavily, tucking her hair behind her ears. "I'll be back. I promise. You're going to be okay."

Eden stood up slowly, legs shaking. "Ethan!" She shouted.

"Oh, my sweet Eden." Ethan approached her, slurring his words slightly. "Don't test your luck, precious."

"Shut the fuck up." Eden hissed. "If you want me, come and fucking get me."

Eden dashed out of the main area, trying to look up for an empty room. She breathed up and down, running down the slim halls of the building. She could hear Ethan's loud footsteps, getting closer and closer.

"Edie, you're testing my patience." Ethan hummed.

Eden ducked under a counter, the knife still tucked in her pocket. She breathed up and down, unable to get the image of her allegedly dead brother out of her head.

"This didn't have to end this way, my Eden." Ethan explained. "We could've been happy. Just us, Edie."

Eden wiped her tears away, trying to prevent a sob from leaving her lips.

"Cale got in the way, my Eden." Ethan explained. "I wouldn't have killed him if he didn't get in the way. Oh, my Eden, he was so mean. Should've heard the stuff he had been saying."

Exile ✷ Ethan LandryWhere stories live. Discover now