Adapting Very Well

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Deep under the city, in one of the many paths and caverns created by the Thorns of Judgment that have swallowed the city hole, a dozen revenants stood guard near a mistle after sending a signal for extraction to the home base.

Kyle stood near the mistle with another revenant who held onto a bag full of blood beads, everyone was clearly excited, but the leader wondered about a few things, not letting the ecstatic feeling get to his head.

The sight of dozens of blood beads after years of starvation and near frenzy wasn’t enough to cloud his judgment. 

The dim caverns barely lit by the obsidian spikes and roots with their violet shimmers had a few paths with water slipping by its cracks. The trickling of water running at his feet was the only sound accompanying his musing as everyone else was completely silent.

Reviving dead mistles wasn’t as rare during the time Kyle took part in the Queenslayer operation as it had become now. A compound of varied substances with the key item being a sample of the Queen was what the government used to revive the missiles around its base during the war.

It was a precious drug and the man has only ever held it once as he was a capable leader of the scouting team, so he at least knew what it should look like. A black-purple liquid that almost looked alive, moving by itself, and it radiated a revolting aura of dreadful power and chaos. 

Even a small sample of the blood from the Queen was disturbing in nature.

But the solution he was given was different from that formula made with the Queen’s blood. One would see no difference if they compared it to normal blood. It didn’t emanate any sort of pressure or seem macabre in nature.

Just simple blood… 

So why was it able to revive all the msitles and the blood spring he and his team encountered in the depths?

Did the government find a way to replicate the formula after running out of samples? Perhaps.

Given that the Crimson Sword appears to have genuine support from Cerberus in his operation, this was a possibility. He was given plenty of this sample which meant that they had more to spare. 

So far, it seems like Louis wasn’t a pawn of the government. After all, the sentence given to anyone caught with human trafficking is not something you can influence unless you had your connections to people up top. Either you die or you are executed. There was no choice… there was supposed to be no choice. But here he is.

This day was full of surprises, but not enough apparently since the mistle revived by a few drops of the drug suddenly opened its tendrils and golden spores radiated from it, slowly building what seemed to be three people.

Louis, Adam, and Io found themselves surrounded by the team as Kyle stood in the front with his weapon drawn.

“Oh, that’s right.” Adam walked forward as he ignored the perplexed revenants pointing their weapons at them, “I forgot to introduce myself, Adam Howard by the way.”

Was the trio close by and died which caused them to revive at the mislte?

Did the formula somehow make them revive at that mistle in specific- No, Kyle revived other missiles on his way here, that didn’t make sense!

They didn’t seem confused with short-term memory loss either, one of the clear signs of dispersal and reassembly, so they didn’t die.

Something didn’t make sense…

The revenant was confused, but he was a man who has seen a lot, so he managed to throw the speculations through the window and shake Adam’s hand.

“...Kyle Alick.” He introduced himself a bit absent-minded at the spark of remembrance that Adam’s name caused.

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