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Not even a day of training was done before recently awakened revenants were thrown to the hordes of Lost as cannon fodder just to buy time for the real team of jaded and hardened warriors to attempt putting down the Queen. A cycle that was repeated many times, that much was obvious due to the collective loss of memories between 1st and 2nd generations of revenants.

There are plenty of examples of wandering in the ruined city, a lot not knowing themselves as the victims. Many try to 'live' under the guise of surviving as they have forgotten most of what made them human.

Ironically enough, searching for meaning in living is one of the most human things to do. And there are a few that find it in a world of ruin and tragedy.

An example is a normal teen who was cruelly kicked out of his already early grave to fight a battle belonging to someone else.

Kevin can't recall much from his human life, be it because of his recent awakening or the many deaths that followed it, before being thrown at the wolves while being told that his sacrifice of blood and sweat would be for a better future.

With no actual knowledge about swinging a blade or shooting, he managed to avoid a death that he couldn't come back from by protecting his heart.

However, was it worth the endeavor just for him to find himself surrounded by other revenants who had just turned to ashes his little squad?

He possessed very few memories that could explain why he was kicked out of the government shelter once resources began to run dry. The moment he and his squad were 'excused' they got ambushed.

Seems like the blood beads they thought to be a smile from lady luck turned out to be a trap.

"Huh, you are in luck, we will keep you alive as long as you get your job done." An old man calmly stated, his visage was blurry to the battered Kevin.

"He is still breathing?" A big man who had just punched Kevin through two buildings cleaned his gloves covered in ashes. "It would be a waste to just kill the lad." He nodded, getting a look at the barely conscious kid.

He picked Kevin by the head with his enormous hands as if he was a toy, "he has a mean glare though."

Kevin was not in a good state. He was sure plenty of his bones were broken even before the punch that immobilized him. Fractured ribs made it difficult to even breathe and collar bones pierced his own throat, but none of those crippling injuries could take away any of his fury away once he saw the face of the man.

He had no idea who he was, he wasn't someone he knew or heard of. And that is what made him so angry. The smile the man was wearing at the beginning of the massacre was actually bigger now.

"You-YoU are enjoying this!?" The kid spat blood on his face despite the possibility of having his head crushed like a grape.

"Hahahaha! Let's see how long you can keep that attitude!"


To steal from one another is an act that must be followed by anyone who wants to survive in the Gaol of the Mist.

Kevin's days on the outside had taught him that much, no matter the amount of deaths he suffered, he wouldn't forget such a fact.

A constant routine of stealing from other kids just like him, taking away from another unfortunate soul. He wanted to close his heart and just do what he wanted to survive, but there was a disgust he couldn't get rid of when the idea came to mind.

"Those men are the ones making you collect the blood beads, aren't they? Well, you can keep them now." Louis' voice startled Kevin. He had been frozen as he saw how he made quick work of his captors.

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