The More You Know 2: Electric Boogaloo

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(A/N: Everyone, take a seat 🤓)

All electromagnetic radiation is light, it just happens that humans are only capable of seeing so much of it. And, as with anything possessing an electric charge, sunlight consists of electromagnetic waves that travel through space and matter, radiating energy.

The mere phenomenon in which we humans experience sight is just a reflection of a range of wavelengths from sunlight.

To be specific, the human eye is capable of processing wavelengths between 380 and 700 nanometers. What the human eye sees between these wavelengths are the colors that bring life to our world: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and all their variations.

 What the human eye sees between these wavelengths are the colors that bring life to our world: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and all their variations

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(A/N: Image from

Red light is the one with the longest wavelength, thus, contains the least amount of energy in the visible spectrum while violet is the opposite. So, as the wavelength decreases and energy increases, you will move from red to violet. This is the reason red light is quickly filtered from water the deeper it goes and becomes harder to see.

Translucent objects allow these rays of light to pass through them while others reflect them.

The grass is green because it absorbs all other light in the visible spectrum and reflects green, which is a color that our eyes can pick up. White reflects all colors and that is why it is recommended to dress in such color on sunny days whereas black absorbs all light. The sunlight contains energy that translates to heat and will make you sweat more.

Hence, if a redfish is hit by sunlight deep underwater where there is still some semblance of it, which is around 200 to 1000 meters, it will absorb all light and reflect red... a light that isn't visible anymore at such depths.

There is another solution to being able to hide in the deep sea from predators which is to be transparent, but adapting every single organ, cartilage, muscle, and brain matter to be such is more costly than just being red.

Now, what if an animal could produce red light in the deep sea where most aquatic life is blind or has defective sight due to water pressure?

An apex predator with a wallhack.

This is why red coral devils are dangerous in the water. They have reigned most of the sea and have no reason to stop growing bigger for fear of becoming larger targets for other predators.

It possesses sharp teeth, strong limbs with steel-like claws, and armor capable of holding up the transition processes where it travels from the deep sea to the surface in seconds. They appear to be lone wolves in the sea as their unapologetic, aggressive behavior towards their species shows they have no remorse for anyone.

The one reason it even bothers to come out during the day is that its strong coral armor isn't for show, it does go through a photosynthesis-like process and recharges its energy to use the glowing veins in its body as a light source when it goes back to the deep sea.

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