5>> Searcher!Dot & Buddy (platonic)

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Buddy made his rounds through the studio, steering clear of Twisted Alice. This was a daily occurrence and it never really changed. Except, today it did.

Buddy/Boris's POV:
A girl I knew, only a year older than me, taught me how to write. All that fancy junk, or whatever. Before I died. When that...thing killed me. That terrible ink demon.
Dot told me you need to describe things with all five of your senses, not just sight, or whatever.
Sight: Old wood covered in ink.
Smell: Ink smell. The smell of blood, the smell that was inevitable. It watched you, like a game of follow the leader.
Taste: The bitter aftertaste of ink in your bacon soup. I just finished a bowl of it, courtesy of a young man I had found.
Hearing: Creaky floorboards and ink sloshing under my thick boots.
Touch: I could feel the warmth of the handle of my axe from over my glove.

It was hard to be here. Took your strength, your happiness..took everything you thought you knew about yourself. Oh, how I missed Dot. But I had Henry. He was there to help.

"Boris, you think you could crawl through the vent?" The man asked me. I nodded. I couldn't really talk.

I crawled through, and found something there. A searcher. With cat-eye glasses. My eyes perked up. I knew a girl who wore those exact same glasses. Dot..

I gently touched her head, hearing the ink move as I did.
She responded with...a noise, of sorts. Sounded like how a cat would meow. I didn't like cats when I was alive. I remember that.
"Boris? Are you okay over there?" I heard Henry. I remembered about him, and hit the switch or opened the door or whatever (A/N don't remember what it was.)

Henry's eyes widened, seeing the searcher. He whacked her with his axe. I tried to stop him. Didn't work.
I watched her die that day.


Yeah I ran out of ideas like halfway through but I wanted to write about these silly little guys. Read dreams come to life yesterday and I love the novel characters

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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