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Emma POV

I am so mad at myself! Why was I so stupid to think that Luke hemmings; my bully actually loved me. I hate life.

I lie on my bed thinking about what happened yesterday. I haven't gone to school for 3 days just to avoid having to talk to Luke. He has called me about 15 times and texted me about 30 messages.  But I don't know why he would try to get a hold of me if he wanted to suck face with some other girl.

Some times I feel like Luke didn't do anything wrong but other times I think he did... I just don't know what to think or how to feel.

My door opened and I saw Melissa walk in.

''So Emma, me and your father have agreed that you are going to school tomorrow. We need our privacy. You need to stop crying over this stupid boy, its not even worth it. Your wasting your tears.'' She babbled. I just rolled my eyes. ''And don't roll your ugly eyes at me!"

''What ever'' I rolled my eyes. ''Leave me alone.''

''Now come on your father wants you to have something to eat. He thinks you are trying to starve your self.'' She said before walking out of the room.

*the next day*

I slowly walked through the school gates keeping an eye out for Luke just in case he tries to come up to me. Instead of Luke coming up to me Michael did. Wow that's rare.

''Hey Emma where have you been? Luke hasn't been here either, are you guys ok?" He asked randomly. I don't even know why he would randomly care about my feelings. But even the thought of someone bringing up Luke not being with me made me very sad. I just began crying.

''No not really...'' I said crying into his shoulder. I know me and Michael aren't very good friends but he is all I have right now. I just needed a. Shoulder to cry on so I used Michaels. And Michael knows how to comfort someone when they are not feeling happy.

While I was crying I heard someone walking up to us but I didn't bother to look.

''Hey guys, what's going on?" Reyna. Wow I haven't seen her in a LONG time. I was looking up now.

''I think Luke and Emma aren't on good terms right now.'' Michael explained which made me cry a little more.

''Oh'' is all she said like she didn't even care. She is so rude. I saw reyna mouth something to Michael and then Michael nodded. I don't even know what she said though. Reyna pulled her phone out and began texting someone and then she walked away. Yup, its official, reyna doesn't give a shit about my feelings. And I thought we were friends...UGH.

Random person POV

''Hey Michael is comforting her now.''

''OK good now for the next step of this very clever plan.''

And the fun begins!! Mhuhahahahahahaha!!! *smiles like an evil person* hey ppl of the world:-) :-)  I hope you like this chapter even tho its boring but don't worry this is just the beginning:-) :-) :-)  mhuhahahahahaha

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