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Emma's POV

Its been 4 days since Michael arrived and I was happy he was with me. I walked down the hall to the lunchroom where Michael said he would wait for me.  He said that we really needed to talk. But he wouldn't tell what were going to talk about. I'm not really the kinda person for surprises. I don't really hang out with reyna anymore but I see her around and we have side conversations but they are not very deep like they used to be.

When I got in the lunchroom I scanned the room for Michael until I found him. I walked up to him and he had a big smile on his face. He gave me a hug and gestured for me to sit while handing me some French fries.

"So what did you want to talk about?'' I asked him grabbing a fry and putting it in my mouth. 

''Umm...well I've been meaning to ask you Umm...'' he started but he looked nervous and I think he began to panic.

''Come on Michael you know you can ask me anything.'' I reassured him.

''Umm well...Umm... what color do you think I should die my hair?" He asked me but I knew that was not the real question.

''Come on Michael I know that was not what you were going to ask me.'' I told him throwing away the fry container.

''It was too! What color should I die my hair!?" He released standing up.

"Okay'' I said sarcastically. ''You should die it blue then. If your actually gonna die it again ... jk jk.''

He pouted and walked me to my next class which was math. ''Hey do you wanna come over today?" He asked me.

''Uh ye-oh wait I have to tutor Luke today. I'm sorry'' I explained stopping by my class. I didn't tutor Luke on Friday because I wanted to see Michael but that didn't really work out as planned. Its not like he would show up anyways but he better remember today. Because I just told Michael Clifford that I couldn't come over so I could Luke with his damn education. Michael just smiled while nodding leaving me to go in side the class.


I closed my locker and walked towards the school gates to wait for Luke. In 8th period he told me to wait here for him so we could go to his house. I didn't really want to go to his house but I just agreed. He may have helped me escape ash tons basement but I'm still scared of him.

I walked to a tree out side the school and sat down. I decided to go on twitter to pass the time. I scrolled down the news fed until something caught my eye. It was a picture of Luke and some girl. I was posted 5 minutes ago. He wasn't wearing a shirt and neither was the girl. His abs were so sexy but I don't like him so I have to stop thinking like that. Uhh don't like him do I?

I snapped out of my thoughts when I remembered that I was supposed to be tutoring him. He was off with some girl when he told me to meet him here so I could go tutor him. Seriously?! I got up and began walking away from the school but someone was calling my name. I turned around to see Luke. I scoffed than walked up to him.

''Luke why didn't you come to the gates?! I was waiting here for like a half an hour?" I asked him frowning.

'' I had something to take care of . Nothing you need to worry about. Now come on let's go.'' He lied and began walking.

I just frowned and followed him. I was mad that he lied to me. I mean I'm nothing to him but he was something to me. And I'm just........I'm so confused.

Hey guys hope you like it. Also for the next update I would like you guys to reach at least 10 votes plzz. I already have 16-18 written and im writing 19! Also i would really apreciate it. Thanks 4 reading my story. Plzz keep reading bye!!!!

Bullied by Luke hemmingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt