iv • family roadtrip

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"Close the gates! Keep it sealed by order of the King." Legolas ordered the guards at the gate. He began to leave when one of them spoke.

"What about Alvar?" One of them asked, stopping Legolas.

Legolas sighed, wondering what they could be talking about. "What about Alvar?" The Prince asked, turning to face the guards.

"She went into the forest... with Tauriel. Both of them were armed. They have not returned and Alvar ordered us to wait..." The guards voice trailed off as Legolas began to leave.

"My Lord?" The guard asked.

"Close the gates." Legolas began to follow the trail that led out of Mirkwood. Alvar wouldn't have simply left, and if she did, why would Tauriel go with her?

Legolas didn't understand either of them, and he wondered about them as he traveled through the woods. He began to think he should go another direction when he found their trail.

The faintest footprints and one broken twig led him towards the river that would soon lead up into Laketown.

Alvar was walking alone, looking at the ground, examining the rocks she stood on. Legolas didn't see Tauriel around, but knew she couldn't be far.

Legolas began to walk through the trees and hadn't made a sound, but Alvar drew her swords the moment she thought someone was there.

Once she saw who it was, she lowered her guard. "I thought you were a Spider. What are you doing here?" She asked, returning the swords to their sheaths.

"What are you doing here?" Legolas approached her, returning the question to her.

"Tauriel asked me to come with her." Alvar told him, still watching the rocks for any sign of the trail.

"And you agreed?" Legolas asked. He watched Alvar stiffened. "You cannot hunt 30 Orcs on your own." He said.

"I'm not. I'm with Tauriel. And now you're here." Alvar stated.

"You knew I would come."

Alvar turned her head towards the mountain, hiding the smile that was slowly growing on her face.

"The King is angry, Alvar." Legolas and Alvar began to walk in the direction Tauriel would be. "For 600 years my father has protected Tauriel, he even favored you. You both defied his orders. You betrayed his trust. Come back with me... he will forgive you."

"But I will not. Will he forgive Tauriel?" Alvar asked. "You know if she goes back, she will not forgive herself. I would not forgive myself if something happened to her." Alvar said. "The King has never let Orc filth roam our lands. Yet he would let this Orc pack cross our boarders and kill our prisoners."

"It is not our fight. You're starting to sound like Tauriel." Legolas pointed out.

"Maybe she has a point." Alvar said, before realizing she was agreeing with Tauriel. "It will not end here. With every victory this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing. We will hide within our walls...live our lives away from the light...and let darkness descend."

Alvar stopped when she saw Tauriel up ahead, stilling scouting. She was determined to find the dwarves.

"Are we not part of this world?" Alvar looked up at Legolas. "Tauriel won't give up. And I won't leave Tauriel."

Alvar continued walking, hoping Legolas would follow.

"I would not go where you can't follow." She said, listening to him let out a sigh of frustration.

"Of course not. Only where my father wouldn't." Legolas caught up to her.

They made their way to Tauriel and she looked at Alvar. She didn't expect Legolas to follow, but Alvar didn't seem surprised.


Sorry for the short chapter.

For the Dancing and the Dreamingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن