i • sympathy for the captain

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( ACT 1 )"Lost in the Woods

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( ACT 1 )
"Lost in the Woods."

Alvar pulled the bowstring back, remembering everything she knew about the bow. After taking aim, she let the arrow fly and miss the red circle.

With a frustrated huff, Alvar returned the bow to where it belonged.

"Still better than yesterday." A familiar voice said, entering the training grounds. Legolas walked over to Alvar.

"Yet still not good enough." Alvar said. "For now, I stick to my swords." Her fingers methodically traced the detailed engravings on the bow which her hand still lingered on.

"Tauriel is waiting for you, along with the rest of the guard." Legolas said, reminding her of her duties. "An unknown party heads towards the Spider's nest."

"Do they have a death wish?" Alvar secured her twin swords behind her back.

"Scouts found the nest by following the company."

They walked through towards the gate, meeting Tauriel and the guards.

The guards followed their captain and her second. Alvar and Tauriel met the scouts just outside the nest.

The spiders had the unwanted company surrounded when the elves arrived, killing the last of the monsters.

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf." Legolas warned, keeping the arrow aimed at their heads. "It would be my pleasure."

"Help!" Someone further in the forest yelled.

One of the dwarves before Alvar turned. She held her sword up, daring him to attempt and escape. "Kili!"

It was then that Alvar realized Tauriel was nowhere to be seen.

"Search them."

Alvar returned her blades and searched the dwarves for any weapons of their own.

The one in front of her handed her two. Moving his coat she found two more hidden by the layers. One more she noticed was tucked under a layer of fur.

He shrugged, gesturing he had no more. Alvar meant to leave, when she caught the glint of another knife.

"Are the Spiders dead?" Legolas asked Alvar and Tauriel.

"Yes, but more will come." Tauriel said. Legolas and Alvar exchanged a glance before looking back at Tauriel. "They're growing bolder"

The elves took the dwarves captive and led them to the dungeons of Mirkwood.

The blonde dwarf Alvar held by the fur of his coat had yet another knife hidden in a pocket of his coat. She raised a suspicious brow.

"I haven't got anymore." He said with a huff. She pushed him into the cell, locking the door.

A guard came with a message for her.

"Why does the Dwarf stare at you, Tauriel?" Legolas asked as she passed by him.

"Who can say?" She thought for a moment. "He's quite tall for a Dwarf." Realizing what she had said she continued her words. "Don't you think?" She said before starting to leave.

"Taller than some...but no less ugly."

Alvar stiffened, leaving the dwarves and following after Tauriel. When she passed him, Legolas stopped her.

"You should get some rest." He told her. "Let Tauriel handle the report." The prince suggested.

"I'm fine." Alvar insisted. "Besides, Tauriel is not the captain. It's my job." She kept walking, trying to get rid of him.

"I already sent her to do it." Legolas informed her. Of course he did. Alvar turned sharply, a confused look on her face as she looked at the prince. "You can trust her to get it done."

Alvar looked away, his fondness for her friend was always infuriating to Alvar. "I'll rest when I need to." Alvar said, turning to leave.

She passed the keeper of the keys and tossed the full ring to him. The keys all chimed as they flew through the air.

"Don't lose them."

For the Dancing and the DreamingKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat