Chapter 3

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Echoes and Escapes

Each morning started with the same boring routine for Jediya and Jayla, a routine that subtly hinted at the deeper turmoil swirling beneath the surface of their seemingly precise lives. The ritual began with Jediya's voice, tinged with frustration and urgency, cutting through the silence of dawn as she tried to rouse Jayla from her slumber on the couch, its fabric worn thin from years of use. More often than not, the harsh reality was that she frequently missed the school bus due to its unforgiving and relentless schedule.

Jediya found herself unexpectedly taking on the roles of both sister and surrogate guardian due to the severe neglect of their parents. Her father was heavily involved in the street life as a member of the Bloods, and was known for his aggressive demeanor, not only towards enemies but also within their home. Despite his strictness, he instilled in them resilience, teaching them the importance of strength and the mantra to always be prepared. In contrast, their mother struggled with addiction, often prioritizing her needs over the care of her children. The memories of their parents' volatile disputes, especially the tumultuous evening that ended with their father leaving after their mother's family intervened due to noticing bruises and her urgent plea to law enforcement, are deeply ingrained in her mind.

"I'm sorry, I just... overslept. It wasn't on purpose," Jayla mumbled, her voice still heavy with the remnants of sleep.

     Guiding Jayla towards her room, she picked out an outfit and tried to brush through her sister's tangled hair, all amidst the morning's disarray.

     "Thanks," Jayla softly acknowledged, as they contemplated the idea of leaving Miami behind—a city that seemed to hold nothing for them but a reservoir of painful recollections.

     While they got ready for the day, the reality of their struggles hung heavily in the air. Yet, in the midst of it all, the bond they shared as sisters offered a glimmer of normality in their otherwise tumultuous lives.

     "Maybe it's time we really think about moving on," she suggested, handing Jayla her backpack. "Somewhere fresh, somewhere far from here. What do you think?"

     Jayla paused, the weight of the decision clear in her eyes. "Anywhere sounds better than here," she replied, a hint of hope in her voice for the first time in a long while. "As long as we're together, I think we can make it work."

     As Jediya and Jayla exited their apartment, the crisp morning air greeted them, a silent witness to the beginning of another day. Their building, with its faded facade, stood amidst a maze of similar structures, each one housing stories and dreams of its own. The sisters made their way down the steps, their footsteps echoing in the quiet of the early hour, a routine familiarity in their stride.

     Today, there was an underlying current of tension, a shared apprehension for what was to come. It was a day they had both mentally prepared for, yet as it dawned, they found themselves grappling with a mix of emotions. They didn't need to hold hands to feel the connection between them, nor did they need words to express the solidarity they felt. It was in the quick glances they exchanged, in the subtle nods of encouragement.

     As they navigated the awakening streets, with the city's hustle slowly blooming around them, Jediya sensed Jayla's morning mood. With a motive to lighten the air, she reminisced, "Hey, do you remember that time when you were about ten, and you decided to 'cook' lunch for us while I was in charge?"

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