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Author pov.

Yoongi and Jin was going back to yoongi's New apartment. Through out there ride yoongi was lost in his thought. He was looking outside the window and he suddenly remember that unfortunate event..

2 years ago.....

Yoongi was working in his studio. Which he name as 'genius lab '. He was a well
known music producer . He was so into music that he barely has Time for himself. But beside his busy schedule he would always find time for his lover, his love of life, his boyfriend, 'jewon'.

Choi jewon a top bussiness Man. He was business tycoon. His personality was cold and he was very professional Man. He would never mess up any deal and expect same from his coworkers , but his personality was exact opposite when he was with yoongi. With yoongi he can be himself. Cute, fluffy ball and bubbly personality. Beside there busy schedule they always have time for each other.

Yoongi and jewon know each other from there highschool. They went to same highschool as well as same university. They were together for almost 3 year. Everything was going smooth like butter. They live together in a pretty house which they call 'home'. Nothing more to ask. But. ..

Yoongi pov :

'Ahhhh~~~I'am so tired ' I said while stitching my sore limbs. I was basically working from past 5 hours and my muscles are on fire and I'am very tired. Probably I would go home and sleep with my cuddly babe. Thinking of him what would be he doing now. Must be watching some show or taking rest . Today was his day off, it would have been mine too but they called me due to some urgent work. But now I'm done .I should probably suprise him . While going back I'll take his favorite cake and suprise him.

I was busy in my own thought when namjoon said something about jewon pulling me out of my track. 'Hey yoongi have you heard about recent news that going viral? '. I know what he was talking about but they are all fake. They are just spreading fake rumors to create a bad reputation of jewon. From a month or two there are rumors that choi jewon and Han mina was dating. I know that are fake. They are bussniess patners so they have to work and stay in contact with each other more often.

I refuse to believe that fake rumors. I know jewon love me and he would never do such thing. ' yes, I have read about that but they're fake .its just media and his competitor playing dirty to pull him down '. I said Though there was little insurity in me but I push that back in my mind and choose to trust my love. Namjoon sigh and said ' yehh I think so?' he said more like questioning. 'but I think you should talk and make it clear in front of others you know there are picture of them kissing and... ' I cut him off in middle ' come-on namjoon they are edits he would never do that to me '. I told him that it's all fake but I was getting worried now, what if they're real and I'am making fool of myself. The only thing I need now is seeing my baby and asking him to make my insurity and worries clear.

So I pack my belongings and exist my studio. I was walking and suddenly came across jewons favorate cake shop. "I should suprise him ". I thought .
After payment I was walking little bit fast so I can reach home quickly. I was smiling and very happy that finally I'll hold my love after long, hectic day. Finally I reach our apartment. I was about to take a step When I saw jewon walking out .i smile and thought to suprise him .i was taking small step so it should not make any sound and hide behind wall. But to my suprise he was not alone, there was one more person that walk out after him Han mina . I decide to stay hidden for sometime and observe. They were normally talking , but my heart shatter into pieces when I saw them making out. All the rumors was right, I was the one that was blind. Tears started rolling down from my eyes. Now what should I do? Was my love not enough? Didn't I give him enough time and love? I wipe my tears,gather some courage and step out. Jewon was shock when he saw me. "yoongi " he said . " didn't expect me? "I said while faking a smile. Jewon gulp and came closer trying to hold me but I move back. "stop, don't touch me" I was crying again , I was feeling vulnerable.
"why? W-why did you do that? "
He was just crying. Ofcouse what else I can expect. I bitterly chuckle and said "how long? "
"w-what? " he finally spoke. "from how long is this going on ? ". I said angrily. He was now just looking at floor, like that was most interesting thing. I was about to say something when Mena finally spoke "2 year. " I was shock from 2 year they were doing this behind my back. I look at Jewon and he was avoiding eye contact.
I was feeling helpless. I walk inside our apartment which was our home my safe place but now I can't call it mine anymore. Unknownly tears started rolling down from my eyes in no time I was sobbing.
I somehow pack my things , when I exist my room Jewon hold my hand and stop me "where are you doing hyung? " he said while crying ,I remove my hand from his " away from you " I said and started walking out of that place which was my home once. This place was my safe place but now i'am feeling suffocated here.
The pain of being deceived by someone you love is immeasurable. He was calling me but I didn't look back. That would be the hardest thing to do, to look back at the person I love and trust the most and this is what he did to Me .Lots of things were going on in my mind.

I don't know where I was going but I was Just walking. I was so tired not physically but mentally . I feel like something was missing In me. Why me? I love him so much ,Then what went wrong?
I was feeling so stupid , suddenly I remember someone he would always find me and comfort me, but I was so stupid and blind in love that I cut him off from my life. I thought he was lying to separate us but jokers on me he was right. He would always comfort me and hold me but I what give him in return I push him away and now he is not coming back. I shout and pull my hair in frustration. I don't know what to do anymore? Where to go? . It's not like I don't have anyone it's just i'am feeling dead from inside. I think I should call jin hyung but before I could do anything my vision get blur. Last thing I know before getting unconscious was someone hold me. When I open my eyes I was in jin hyungs apartment. How did I got here?. When jin hyung enter room he asked me how I was feeling and what happen? I told him everything and he was beyond pissed. He told me I should take a break and leave that jerk. So that's what I did I booked my flight to America to refresh my Mind..


Look who decide to post after eternity 🙂i'am sorry it took me so long to upload next part

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Look who decide to post after eternity 🙂
i'am sorry it took me so long to upload next part. It's just Iam preparing for my very very very important exam 😭

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