the diamond castle part 3

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we made it all the way across the cliff and started to walk the trail. after a few hours the sun went down. "i can't do it anymore y/n. we've been walking for hours." i look back to see alexa sit down on a rock. "are you okay?""do we have a little water?" i take my hand off her shoulder. "we ran out about an hour after we ran out of food." i put my basket down and crouched to pet sparkles. "oh.""i know." i look over with lily and sparkles to see smoke coming up a little while away. i get up and look through a clearing of forest to see a path leading to a big house. "alexa i see something and it's not that far." we grab all our things and make our way down. "this mansion, it's beautiful. i wonder if someone royal lives here.""hopefully someone generous and royal. who can spare a bed and some food." we walk up to the door and knock.

we make our dress look presentable before the door opens to reveal a couple inside. "you've come at last." the man slightly bows to us. "welcome welcome my ladies." the woman spoke from behind him. sparkles peaks out before jumping out and running inside. "sparkles, no!" we run in after her and stop to see a big table of food. "what may we serve you?""could you spare some bread and water?""please this is all yours." he waves his hands out. "the grounds, the house, everything.""ours?" alexa started to smile while i watched suspiciously. "the legend it's been foretold. two friends, best friends will come to live in the hall for years we've been tending the hall until the rightful owners arrived.""you must be mistaken.""no it's just as the legend foretold." his eyes shine a light green color. "i can't believe it." we walked towards the table putting down our baskets for a second. "i don't believe it. what do you think melody?"

"you know the muses sing songs about legends and destiny. this really could be yours.""so if it's ours-""do you think we can eat something?" alexa asked the question for us as we looked at melody. "yes. go. eat." i grab a block of cheese when i hear sparkles. i look over to see her on her hind legs with her arms up. "ah of course you get your share." i gently put the cheese in her mouth. lily rolls around in front of alexa. "you don't have to do tricks for your supper. what's mine is yours." she gives lily the cheese making her happy. we explored the house and made it upstairs where alexa automatically opens the closet to reveal nice dresses. "oh.""they're beautiful." alexa browses through them as me and melody watches. "try one on." she pulls out a orange dress and looks in the mirror. "i look like a princess. oh y/n it's a perfect home for us. more food than we could ever eat, a beautiful dress everyday and a gorgeous garden.""but we can't stay."

"why not? it's ours. we're finally having some good luck why can't we enjoy it?""maybe we can come back after we take melody to the diamond castle." alexa looked a little upset. "if we come back.""what do you mean?""trolls, serpents, evil magic. we may not live to come back.""we promised melody we'd help her.""and we did. we've taken her this far. i-i can't go any farther. i can't." she turned her back to us. "but we promised, your gave your word.""let ian and jeremy do it. i'm staying here.""you don't mean that.""yes i do.""please don't argue you've done enough." alexa turns back to us and waves her hand. "see even melody thinks so. stay with me.""if we don't stop lydia we'll all be living under a-a dark cloud. no laughter, no music just sadness everywhere." alexa comes closer in my face and argues. "why us? why can't somebody else do it?""because melody's our friend.""you're choosing melody over me."

"no i-uh-it's not like that.""if you were really my friend you'd understand.""you're right i don't understand. come on sparkles." i look down at sparkles leaving alexa wide mouthed. "ready melody we are going to the seven stones." i grabbed my basket and stormed out of the house. i hear sparkles whimper for a second when lily doesn't follow us making me even sadder. i wait for sparkles to come out the door before slamming it closed. i took a deep breath on the porch before walking down the stairs and off the property.

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