the diamond castle part 2

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(ian is the one in the green, jeremy the red.)


slider flies back to the ancient cave and up to lydia at her throne. "i found her mistress." he stands up holding the mirror while chuckling as she comes up to him and looks around. "where is she! i'm in no mood for games slider." he jumps almost dropping the mirror but saves it and cover his head as he got down. "here. she's hiding in the mirror. i saw her singing in the mirror." he holds the mirror put for her to take it. "oh really?" she takes it and turns away from slider. "melody. auntie lydia would like to have a word with you. melody!?" she turned to slider furious making slider drop to the floor. "where did you find this?""she was singing with two other girls near a cottage. one with dark hair and one with darker hair.""take me to them."


we made it to an open area with many mountains and flowers all over. "it's beyond beautiful.""look melody." i hold her out and show her the view. "we made it the valley of flowers." we go down the little hill we were on slowly and continue on. "hmm i smell roses." i look around with a smile as we look around. in a tree trunk near us there was a little noise. "y/n." i look over and alexa who nods her head towards the trunk. i put melody back into my basket as we walked towards it. we see and hear a bush shake. "snake!" alexa yelled pointing at the bush while backing up. i walk over and crouch in front of the trunk and smile as a dog with eye patches comes put out making me smile as i picked it up. "cutest snake i've ever seen." i poked fun at alexa as she smiled back. "okay okay i was only trying to protect you." she walks over to the smaller trunk as another dog pops out. "look at you aren't you the cutest thing."

"where did they come from? there's nobody for miles. they must be lost." we watch them run over to each other and start to play. "look they're friends.""we can't leave them here, they'll starve.""hey, hey that tickles." i grab the dog licking melody and her as well. "what do you think melody? she's a keeper right.""oh look at her sparkly little eyes.""sparkles i like that. i hereby name you sparkles." she barks at me before i look over at alexa as the dog in front of her rolls on her back. "and what should we call that little one?" alexa picks the dog up and talks in a baby voice. "your name is lily like the beautiful flower.""can we keep them?! can we keep them?!""i think we have room for two more.""oh i bet you little guys are hungry though aren't you?"

"don't even talk about food my stomach has been rumbling for miles.""oh so that's what i was hearing i thought it was thunder." melody jokes making me laugh as we continued on our journey. "or stampeding horses.""enough.""or jump roping elephants." she groans making lily bark causing us all to break out in laughter. by the afternoon we made it to a village. "hmm it smells like roast chicken." alexa starts making my stomach start to growl as well. "starving.""go ahead. you haven't eaten all day." i look at melody who's sticking out my basket with sparkles. "we'd love to but we don't have any money.""that's where the smell is coming from." we walk towards a restaurant where we hear people. we look through the window at the food making sparkle whine at me. "am i drooling? i think i'm drooling." alexa wiped her mouth looking at me.

a man walks out of the restaurant looks around for a second before looking at us. "have you seen them? well well have you?""who?""these good for nothing musicians. they were due here an hour ago. i should never have hired them i told myself edgar, don't hire those rascals again. oh but did i listen to myself no." there is some screaming in the restaurant before some stuff slamming. "they're getting restless." edgar ducks as a plate of food was thrown towards him. "hold your horses they're coming.""actually they're here that is we're here. we're the substitute rascals uh musicians." i tell him making him look at us confused. "we are?""we are. we're very good and will only cost you-""a meal, i mean two meals." the dogs make noises looking up at us making us lift them up to show him. "and two doggy bags.""mhm how do i know you can play?" a chair is thrown towards him as a person yells for music. "you're hired."

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