Chapter 9 - Gigantomachia

Start from the beginning

"Now, Doctor, there's no need to be harsh." Your dad said. "Hmm... Let me try something else. One second." "What's he up to?" Toga asked, you didn't have a good feeling about it either. "Mad scientist types make no-" Twice began to say, but he began to throw up. "Really, Jin? Gross. How immature can you-" Toga threw up a black goo. You felt it coming on too, and so did everyone else.

In a few seconds you felt the same feeling you did when you were transported at Kamino. You saw light again and realized you had teleported somewhere. You climbed off of Spinner's back. You looked around and all of the Nomus around gave you a weird feeling of greif and discust.

"Ew, nasty! That stinks!" Toga said "Where are we?" Your dad said. "What is all this?" Dabi said, "Nomu? They don't look like the ones I've seen before." "Dabi! I'm impressed you can tell the difference. I knew you had a keen pair of eyes. These little ones are different, nothing like mid or low-level Nomu. These are high ends, my finest work. Super Nomu. Dare I call them masterpieces?" You etched your way towards Toga, you spoke in an under-tone so only she could hear. "I don't like this guy. He gives me the mega-creeps." Toga nodded.


Good timing, I've been looking for you. There's a certain something I want you to duplicate." "I notice you've let your hair grow out, it suits you. Your father and the others, are they doing well?" Your father flinched at the mention of your grandfather. "Uh- sure." "I'd prefer my location remain a secret, which is why I summoned you all here by transmission. Besides Shigaraki, your faces are all new to me, including his famous daughter." You cringed as you felt him look at you. "Much like Gigantomachia, I'm a close aide of All For One: I'm Daruma Ujiko. I came up with the name myself, you like it? Now then, to business. I brought you here today because of an agreement I made out of my deference to our former boss. My life, my tech, my expertise. And of course my little ones, here are dedicated to the great All For One. Up until now, you've been getting by on my scraps, my leftovers. It's not that I dislike you. I just have to be cautious. I need to make quite sure that you're worthy of receiving the fruits of my labor. Because, so far, I'm unimpressed. A 24-year-old reject hanging around with the dregs of society? What can you show me to change my mind, Tomura Shigaraki?" You had to clench your fist to withhold the anger that was apparent on your face. How dare he disrespect your father like that when either of you could easily kill him? When anyone here could easily kill him?

"Honestly, I don't remember much about my life before I met you and Master." "Yes, I'm already well aware of that." "And yet, when I put these on my body, there's an uncontrollable rage that spills over. Ever since that day... I've been thinking about what happened. I've no memory of my life before my master held me that day. I was just an empty shell- utterly hollow. It all came rushing back to me in fragments with a frustration so intense, I felt sick to my stomach. When I put them on, it's so strange. Though it still makes me feel sick to my stomach, wearing them washes calmness over me. Don't you think that's bizarre? My mind's empty, beyond those flashes and fragments, and yet, there's a heaviness in my heart, like a lump of lead. Never moving, fueling the rage that propels, but never brings relief. Mmm... Even if we bring down hero society... Even if I rule the ruins from the shadows... That lead will be with me all my life. That's why I despise just about all in existence. Almost all that lives and breathes presses on the weight in my soul. So, then, why shouldn't I destroy it? Why must I suffer it? When this world falls, we'll see the glorious new horizon that awaits. So why not lend me a hand? I'll show you the halls of heaven and the depths of hell."

You left Toga's side for your dad's. You gripped his jacket and he put his hand on your head. He had been through so much and still gave life to you and raised you. That's why you loved him.

Dr. Ujiko laughed. "You sound like a kid playing a bad guy! I'm amazaed you got through it with a straight face! Ah, why not? I'll help you achieve your vision, but only if you can back up that speech with action. A villain's philosophy is worthless if he can't bring his dreams to life!" Toga spoke up, "Tomura, those ideas of yours seem a little bit deranged, if you asked me. Like, do you even wanna destroy everything I love?" "There's always room for my comrades' and my daugher's wishes. Live how you want to." You smiled as Toga jumped up in happiness. Dr. Ujiko laughed. "You passes the test with flying colors. You're appalling." "Hold on. You were testing me?"

"I planned to work with you from the start, but I had to see some growth. I can't just bestow these powers to just anyone, you know. That said, I still can't hand them over yet. You're all far too weak. But there is something you can do to prove to me that you're ready. That big guy may be dense, but he's valuable to us both. Though, unlike me, he hasn't accepted you as his own. Do you catch my drift? If you can make Gigantomachia submit to you, then everything I have will be yours to use as you see fit. If you want what I offer, you'll have to seize it for yourself."

"Fine, but was that self-indelgent tutorial necessary?" Dabi spoke his thoughts, "Just so you know, I'm not helping." Toga argued with him, "Oh, don't be a brat just because your flames didn't work on him." "That's not it, you maniac. I have a good potential ally in mind, I'm going to focus my energies there. Do you object?" Your father took Dabi's side, "No. I look forward to meeting them." "In that case, Dabi. I'd very much appreciate your help testing out a High-End Nomu. I have just the one- it will pair elegantly with your aesthetic. A perfect match!" Dr. Ujiko said. "Did you evem hear what I said?" "Send us back now, so we can get started. I feel like I could take on the world." A stand raised from the floor before you and your dad. "From this point forward, contact me using this device exclusively. Time to work, Johnny! Back to Gigantomachia these little soldiers go." You threw up the black goo agian.

You were back in the mountains with the league and Gigantomachia.

"Hello. Now, are you ready to submit to your future king?"

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