Chapter Sixteen

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Whenever Levi has a desperate look I get scared because Levi isn't the type of guy who gets desperate, or upset, "What's wrong?"

"My brother will be home in ten minutes," he grabs my hand, "we need to go now or Blake is going to have some questions."

"Well maybe if-" my words drain out of my mouth when we hear the door creak open. I don't think Levi was expecting Blake to come home early. I see Levi swear under his breath, but he's quiet enough for me not to hear him.

The door slams shut and footsteps start to move around the front hall. I pray that he won't come upstairs. Maybe Levi and I can escape through a window or even just hide it out until the morning. Levi grips my hand tighter as the footsteps move into a different room downstairs. He looks back at me and motions me to follow him.

We retrace our steps backwards, obviously deciding to go into the bathroom. Inside of the bathroom he sighs and we move to the window at the far end of the bathroom. I watch the steady drizzle of rain fall from the sky to the ground below us. Levi opens the window enough for a body to fit through. He steps out onto the small ledge underneath the window and reaches out for my hand. I take it tightly and follow him outside.

Behind us I hear the door creak. I give Levi a quick look before lowering myself so I can't be seen through the window. Levi does the same right to the side of me, trying hard to steady himself so he doesn't fall.

Meanwhile inside the bathroom I hear a muffled voice become louder as it investigates the open window. He's talking to someone on the phone I realize, "...yes, yes, I can do that- can you hold?" A pause, "Yes it's important! I think someone's in my house for god's sake."

Blake's voice sounds similar to Levi's but more roughness is too it. You can tell that Blake isn't the best in the bunch. I'm comforted by Levi's breath along my neck, even though my heart is racing I'm not scared as long as Levi is with me.

"Now what's this we got here?" Blake asks himself looking out the window. His hands wrap around the windowsill while I see the bottom of his chin dip out, looking outside. He's the boy with black holes for eyes. The boy who has been haunting me since my first day in town, and now I'm right below his nose and he doesn't even know it. Unless- I don't let myself think about the worse and I steady my breath so it's slow and quiet. Luckily the rain is drowning out most of the sound we're making.

Blake backs away and closes the window after investigating. After ten minutes pass and Levi gives the clear. He jumps from the narrow ledge to the ground. I lay there with my mouth gaped open as I see him stick his landing.

"Come on, princess, it's not the hard when you're an angel!" he shouts up to me.

I close my eyes and focus on the rain bouncing off of the house and as it runs down my face. I take a deep breath and jump.

The wind sweeps around me along with rain dressing me in a thin layer. Then before I know it I'm in Levi's arms. I open my eyes to find him smiling at me.

"Good job, princess," I place my feet on the ground, removing myself from his arms. He kisses me on my forehead before we run for the garage behind the house. Levi picks a black ford truck for us to drive back to the barn in.

"Won't he notice it's gone?" I ask.

"Nah, there's got to be tons of these in the storage garage in New York. He won't miss it," I don't question him about the storage garage in New York and decide to get into the truck before another encounter with Blake. Levi pulls out of the driveway and speeds away from his old home.

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