Chapter Eleven

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I was shaky the next morning when I walked into school. I felt like I wasn't safe anymore and I would've never expected that from myself. I've always thought I was safe and that nothing could harm me. Until, of course, the dream I had last night. I felt an uneasiness settle inside of me ever since. I haven't felt anything like this since I broke into that house. Memories interrupt my vision. I see myself crashing through the window. Then I hear the alarm go off. I snap back to reality when a firm hand squeezes my shoulder. I crane my neck around and Isaiah looks at me with a worried look, "You okay? It looked like you were going to faint."

"I'm not okay. Not since the dream I had last night," my bottom lip quivers but I refuse to cry. Especially in the crowded hallway.

"Come on," he takes my hand and drags me into the janitor's closet.

"Why do you have a key to the janitor's closet?" I give him a puzzled look.

"Long story," he laughs. "Anyways, what dream did you have last night?" I describe the dream to him with vivid details, describing the voice and repeating exactly what he said. I train my eyes on the cleaning supplies on the shelf above him. Because I know if I make eye contact, everything inside of me will break.

"I told you Levi was an asshole," he scuffs.

"It was just a nightmare!" I scream. "There is no real proof that Levi did that."

"Think about it, Levi, an angel of death. He has the power to do that," Isaiah explains slowly.

"Just because he's an angel of death doesn't mean he killed me father. Who, by the way, was all the way in North Carolina!" I pull my hands through my hair in frustration. "Why do you hate Levi so much anyways?"

"Let me show you something," Isaiah sighs, checking his watch for the time. He pushed aside some of the cleaning supplies and presses his hand to a circle with an eye symbol scratched onto it. As he does this, the cleaning shelf lowers and he takes his hand away. Below him is a set of staircase. It looks dark below him, but I can't resist the temptation. I take a step towards the staircase, but Isaiah stops me, "I'll go first."

He starts walking down the stairs while I follow behind him. I trace my hand along the wall that has claw marks trailing all the way down to the bottom, "What are these marks?" I ask.

"There claw marks that showed someone struggling. A werewolf," he turns to the left when we reach the bottom. My feet land on a cement floor and the air changes suddenly from humid to cold.

"What's down here?" I ask Isaiah.

"Remember what I said on the first day? They put the crazy down here," he stops in front of a door labeled, Patient 166 - Zoe Walker - Saraph.

"Oh my god. Audrey told me Saraph's were extinct. How?" I ask.

"Technically, Audrey would think they are extinct when she can't sense anyone down here. If she did come down here, she would go crazy with all the people she would hear," he sighs before continuing, "before we go in I should warn you Zoe was my first love. She still thinks I'm her boyfriend even though I never see her anymore. They tell me she asks for me everyday."

"What happened to her?" I ask before we go in.

"You can ask her yourself," he says taking the rusty key and unlocking the door. As soon as he unlocks it it swings open.

I walk in the unlit room. As far as I can tell, it's damp and everything in here is cement. The only thing that isn't is a mattress in the back corner. The light flickers on and I find a girl laying on her side in fetal position. Her black hair sticks to the sides of her face and I can see that her small green eyes are lit with fear. She's small, probably from lack of food. The hospital gown she wears is too big and she doesn't have anything on her feet. Even in the dark I can tell she used to be tan, but it has faded to pale.

"Are you Zoe?" I ask kindly.

"Yes," a dry voice responds to my question, echoing around the room.

"Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? I promise I won't tell anyone," I smile as I sit down on the cement.

"You're a Saraph. Your scent is very strong," she informs me, "Is that Isaiah with you?"

"Zoe," Isaiah answers for me, "how about you let Eleanor, here, ask you some questions?" he sits next to me on the cement as Zoe nods.

"What happened to you that had you moved down here?" I ask her after she sits up.

"The angel of death. His name," her voice catches in her throat, "Levi Bianchi. He did this to me. He made my mind open for Mr. Asmodeus. Mr. Asmodeus tortured me day to day with his mind games and dreams. He commanded Levi to take my soul, but I fought. I fought and fought until I was insane," she laughs. "Insane. They called my parents, told them I jumped off the top of the building. Told them I killed myself. Just so they could put me down here. Mr. Asmodeus told me I could come back after they fixed me. He told me that Saraph Angels were never meant to roam the earth. That we shouldn't be the higher authorities, but we are. He can't change that. You, Eleanor, you will save our kind."

"Zoe? Why didn't Levi end up taking your soul?" I ask, processing the information.

"He pretended to. He lied to Mr. Asmodeus. Told him I was dead, but Mr. Asmodeus has connections to banshees, so he knew I wasn't really dead. He played along with Levi, and decided to throw me down here. Then, one day, he brought Levi down here to show him how he was starving me. He brought Isaiah down here too because he wanted him on his side by showing him his power. Mr. Asmodeus forgot to break our connection, so his thoughts are still in my mind. His plans. All of his thoughts!" She screams, "ALL OF HIS PLANS!" She continues to scream and Isaiah wraps his arms around me.

"Zoe, stop, you're going to hurt her," Isaiah commands her.

"So you've moved on, love? I thought you said you loved me? Didn't I return it? Well obviously you're attracted to Saraph's. Too bad they're rare nowadays," she laughs.

"Goodbye, Zoe. Maybe we'll see you again some other day when they let you out," he pulls me up and we walk outside her cell. He slams the door shut on her while she speaks nonsense. And then it stops. Her cell is soundproof. The whole basement is soundproof.

Isaiah wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head, "Don't worry, Hale. I won't let them do the same to you."

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