Chapter Nine

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I pull back from Levi after a couple of seconds. I was too shocked to register what happened, "What was that for?"

"You didn't like it?" he asked smirking.

"No- yes- I mean," I close my eyes and take a deep breath, "yes, I did like it, but why did you do it?"

"Because," he says tracing my lips with his finger, "I think you and I could be something."

I take a mental note that he didn't say he liked me. He said that he and I could be something. Well what exactly is something? I know everything about this is wrong and that if I give him an inch he'll take a mile. It's so amazing when someone comes into your life and you expect nothing out of it but suddenly, there right in front, is everything you ever need. I pull myself back into his kiss realizing that he is everything I need.


"Thank you," I speak softly as he drops me off at my house, "I needed to escape for a bit."

"If you ever need to escape again I'm your man," he winks.

"I'll keep that in mind," I start to get out of the car but he grabs my wrist.

"Before you leave," he starts, "I need you to remember to watch your back because my brother will do anything he needs to mess with you. Take this and give me a call if you need me because I'll always be right at your side," he hands me a scrap piece of paper with a ten digit phone number scribbled on it.

"Of course," I smile and give him a quick kiss before I truly leave him.

Inside, my mother grabs me by the wrist before I can make it up the stairs and she sits me in the living room. Her face has a cross expression that tells me right away she has every word planned out and every comeback ready in the back of her mind.

"Where were you? And who was that boy driving your jeep?"

"A friend I made at school. His name is Levi Bianchi, and he took me to the amusement park after school," I lied about the last part on where I was.

"You hate amusement parks," she fires back.

"I know. I know, but he convinced me and I really wanted to hang out with a friend since I haven't in such awhile. Mom, don't you understand that I'm now happy?" I play the guilt card on her.

"Yes, I am happy for you that you're enjoying it so much here. I know your father would want that for you, but I don't even know this boy and you never told me," she crosses her arms.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I promise next time that I'll make sure to call you right away and I'm sure I can get Levi over here to meet you," I smile softly.

"Of course," she nods, "you can leave now."

That's what I hate about my mother, I thought as I walked up the stairs, she treated me like I was just someone to yell at. All she does is parent me, but she never shows affection. Unlike dad, he always would give me love and treat me like his daughter. I don't feel like my mother's daughter. I feel like a loose screw in the family. My dad treated me like I was gifted and turns out that I truly am gifted because I am a Saraph Angel.

That's when the lightbulb goes off. My father always knew I was a Saraph and that I was special and I was one of his favorite things in the world. My mother- I think- she must not appreciate me being a Saraph because what if she isn't one? What if she's something else? Something that wouldn't like Saraphs? But then, if my father was a Saraph why did she like him? Unless she never did.

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