Chapter 32

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JOAN AND JOSE ARE WATCHING TV WITH JOSH BUT JOSH STOMACH WAS HURTING A LITTLE BIT BUT HE FINDS IT AFTER HE eats SOMETHING BUT BOTH JOAN AND JOSE ARE WORRIED JOSH SAYS HE OK THEN BUT JOSE STAYS BY HER BROTHER AND HUGS HIM TOO AND JOSH HUGS BACK AND SAYS THAT SHE DOESN'T NEED TO WORRY Joan and Jose are relieved, and Josh smiles and assures them that he is alright. He then gets up and takes a deep breath, thanking them for being there for him. The three of them hug one another, grateful for the support they have for each other. They all stand in silence, taking in the moment, feeling the warmth of their friendship. Josh breaks the silence and says, "Let's go get some ice cream!" Joan and Jose smile, and they all head out together. They enjoy a fun night out together, sharing stories and laughter. As they walk back to their homes, they part ways, feeling better than when they first met. Josh looks back and says, "See you soon!". Joan and Jose turn and wave as they walk away, each with a smile and a feeling of contentment. Josh watches until they are out of sight, and then heads home, feeling better than ever. He reflects on the night and how it has made him feel. Josh knows that he has family and looks forward to their next meeting. He is thankful for the conversations he has had, the laughter, and the connection they all shared. Josh is grateful for the time spent with his family and is looking forward to the next time the three of them can be together. Josh begins to walk home, a smile on his face. He is grateful for the moments spent with his family and the closeness that he shares with them. He knows that no matter what, they will always be there for him. He is filled with joy and appreciation for his family. He feels lucky to have such a loving bond with them. He knows that no matter where life takes him, he will always have their unconditional love and support. Josh carries these feelings with him as he continues his journey home. His family is his rock, and he's always grateful for their love and support. He knows he can always count on them. He feels lucky to have this kind of relationship with his family and he cherishes every moment they spend together. Josh is reminded of the importance of family and the joy of having a strong bond with them. He feels a sense of peace and comfort knowing that he has the love and support of his family. Josh finds solace and reassurance in the fact that no matter what happens, he can always rely on his family for help. He is thankful that he is blessed with a strong bond with his family and appreciates the moments they share together. This connection gives him a sense of security and hope, providing him with the strength to continue his journey home. In the face of adversity, this bond gives him the courage to push forward and work towards his goals. Knowing that his family has his back gives him the confidence to take risks and face any challenge that may come his way. This sense of security and assurance allows him to remain optimistic and hopeful, no matter how difficult the journey may be. This bond serves as a reminder that he is never alone and that he can always rely on his family for support. It gives him the strength to stay focused and determined on his journey, knowing that he has a system of support to turn to if he ever needs it. This connection helps him to remain resilient and brave even when faced with obstacles and reminds him that his family will be there for him regardless of what happens.
End of chapter 32

Joan younger sis of Joe and Steve backstory Where stories live. Discover now