Chapter 7

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Jose and Joe play blue clues with each other and Blue finally listens to Jose's younger sis of Josh and Joan find out. Josh and Joan join the game, and they have an enjoyable time figuring out the clues together. They all laughed and cheered when they finally solved Blue's clues. Afterward, they all hugged and congratulated each other on a job well done. They continued having fun and talking for hours until it was time to say goodbye. As they parted ways, they all promised to keep playing Blue Clues together in the future. They said their goodbyes and exchanged phone numbers,
so they could stay in touch.
They hugged goodbye before parting ways. It was a great day, and they all had fun.
They all fondly remembered the memories they made that day and felt excited about the future.
They waved goodbye and each headed their own way, feeling content.
They all looked forward to the next time they could play Blue Clues together.
As they walked away, they smiled and felt happy to have spent the day together.

Joan hugged her brother Joe and Jose hugged her brother Josh. They promised to call each other and keep in touch. Then, in one last wave, they all parted ways and returned home.

Joan and Jose both walked away with a bittersweet feeling, knowing that it could be a long time before they all saw their brothers again. They both took comfort in the knowledge that they could stay connected through phone calls, video chats, and other forms of communication.
End of chapter 7

Joan younger sis of Joe and Steve backstory Where stories live. Discover now