Chapter 27

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JOAN AND JOSE ARE WATCHING TV WHEN JOSH COME HOME FEELING LIKE HE TUMMY WAS HURTING HIM SO MUCH JOAN HELP HIM AND JOSE STAY OUT OF THE WAY Josh laid down on the couch and Joan quickly got him a cold compress. She then fetched some painkillers and a glass of water for Josh. Jose stayed in the background, offering moral support. Josh thanked Joan for her help and closed his eyes. Jose sat beside him, rubbing his back in a comforting gesture. They stayed like that until Josh fell asleep. Joan and Jose silently watched over Josh until he was sleeping peacefully. They then whispered to each other, grateful that he was doing better. After a while, they quietly left the room. Joan and Jose slowly crept out of the room, making sure not to make any noise. They went into the kitchen and shared a warm embrace, overjoyed that their brother/cousin  was on the mend. With a deep sigh, they both silently thanked the heavens. They both knew that this was only the beginning of Josh's journey to recovery, but they were confident that he could make it through with their support. They vowed to remain by his side and help him through whatever hardships he may face. Joan and Jose then went back to the bedroom, both eager to see how Josh was doing. They were delighted to find him sleeping peacefully, his breathing steady and relaxed. They stayed with him for a while, until they both felt assured that he was in good health. They smiled at each other, grateful that Josh was on the mend. Then, with a newfound sense of hope, they left the room and prepared for the next day. They both knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would be ready to face them together. With Josh's progress, they felt a renewed sense of optimism, and were determined to do whatever it took to help him recover. They held hands, united in their mission to help Josh get better. From that moment forward, they were determined to do anything to ensure Josh's recovery. With a newfound strength, they were ready to tackle the days to come. Josh was inspired by their determination and courage. He felt a renewed sense of hope and began to take steps towards recovery. Together, they were unstoppable.
End of chapter 27

Joan younger sis of Joe and Steve backstory Where stories live. Discover now