Chapter 8

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Joan can have Joan find out about Jose used have a bully and now she has panic attack and high anxiety attacks when she freaks out about something else like blocking out. Joan wants to help Jose cope with her anxiety and panic attacks. She talks to her about her experiences with bullying and encourages her to seek help from a therapist or counselor. She also helps Jose find ways to manage her anxiety, such as deep breathing and meditation. Joan has also been encouraging Jose to engage in activities that she enjoys, such as playing sports or listening to music, to help her manage her anxiety. She also reminds her that she is not alone and that there are people who support her. Finally, Joan has been reminding Jose to practice self-care and to take time for herself. Joan has also been providing Jose with positive affirmations to help her stay focused and positive. She encourages her to find ways to celebrate her small wins and to stay motivated. Finally, she reminds Jose to be kind and patient with herself. Joan has been helping Jose focus on the progress she has made and to recognize that setbacks are part of the process. She has also been providing Jose with resources and strategies to help her cope with challenging times. Joan has been a great role model for Jose, showing her how to stay resilient and focused on her goals. She has been a source of support and guidance throughout Jose's journey. Jose was inspired by Joan's example and is determined to stay focused on her goals. She is now more confident and better equipped to handle the setbacks that come her way. She is determined to make progress and reach her goals. Joan's mentorship has been invaluable to Jose, and she has been deeply inspired by Joan's example. With Joan's support,
Jose is sure to achieve her goals and realize her dreams. Jose is fully committed to making her dreams come true and she knows that she will be able to do it with Joan's continued support. Joan has been a beacon of hope and a source of strength for Jose throughout her journey. Jose is grateful for the guidance and inspiration that Joan has provided.
Jose is determined to make the most of Joan's mentorship and is determined to make her dreams a reality. She is sure that with Joan's help, she will be able to reach her goals and live a successful and fulfilling life.
End of chapter 8

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