Chapter 42

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Joan and Jose and Josh are watching TV when Joe eats so much food his stomach was hurting him so much. Joe clutches his stomach and groans in pain. Joan and Jose exchange worried glances, while Josh laughs. Josh quickly stops as Joe doubles over again in pain.  Joe started to feel sick and had to go to the bathroom. He was gone for a few minutes and when he came back, he felt much better. The others were relieved to see him back and healthy. They asked him what happened and Joe told them he had a stomachache from eating too much. The others laughed, but they were glad Joe was feeling better. They decided to take a break from watching TV and Joe promised to be more mindful of how much he ate. Joe thanked the others for their concern and they all went back to watching TV. After that, Joe was more conscious of what he ate and made sure to take care of himself. Joe was grateful for the support of his friends and was determined to stay healthy. He made sure to get enough rest and exercise, as well as eating healthier foods. He was determined to stay healthy and be there for his friends. Joe slowly started to make progress and was feeling better. He was happy and proud of himself for making the effort to be healthier. He was thankful to have such supportive friends. Joe was determined to continue on this journey and be the best version of himself he could be. He had learned that with the right support, anything was possible. Joe was now motivated to keep going and stay on track with his health goals. Joe was now more confident and self-assured. He was looking forward to the future and was excited to see what it held. He was determined to make the most of it. Joe was grateful for the support he had received from his friends. He was determined to make the most of the opportunities he had and be the best version of himself he could be. He was excited to see what the future held.
End of chapter 42

Joan younger sis of Joe and Steve backstory Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ