Chapter 10

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Jose fall on the ground after she found out she most had a panic attack She felt her heart racing and her breathing becoming more and more laboured. She felt completely overwhelmed and was unable to think clearly. She lay there on the ground, her body trembling, until the panic attack finally subsided.  Joan was there when it happened . Joan picked her up, gently brushing the dirt off her clothes and helping her up off the ground. She wrapped her arms around Jose and held her close, offering her comfort and reassurance until she felt better. Jose thanked Joan for her support and understanding. Jose felt a wave of gratitude, and her eyes filled with tears. She was so grateful to have someone to rely on in her time of need. Together, they walked home, arm in arm. They talked the entire way home, and Joan listened intently as Jose recounted the events of the day. Joan's kindness and compassion was a source of strength for Jose, and she felt grateful to have such a good cousin  in her life. Jose was so happy to have such a strong support system. She realized that having someone to talk to had made a huge difference in how she was feeling. She was thankful for Joan and the bond they shared. Joan smiled at Jose and gave her a hug. She was glad that she had been able to be there for Jose in her time of need. They both knew that no matter what, they could always count on each other.
End of chapter 10

Joan younger sis of Joe and Steve backstory Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt