Field trip

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Peter parker: Hey Uncle ben!(That's me a average Joe who about to get his life flipped around)Uncle Ben: Hey pete was just about to wake you up for your field trip to Oscorp lab.(Ben:That kid with Oscorp). Peter parker: Yeah I can't wait. Uncle ben: Don't forget May is coming back in a couple of days also bring your camera. Pete:Yeah! (Ben: welp time for me to get ready for work at Oscorp)Ben: Sorry I'm late Mr Osborn.Are we ready for the field trip today? Norman Osborn: I don't know ,but you need to find out. When you're done meet me in the lab okay? Ben: Okay Boss. (Back at peter school)Teacher:bus is here! ( Peter sits down with excitement in his eyes and tapping his foot impatiently) Bus driver:You seem excited. With that enthusiasm to see some science you might end up being a scientist yourself. Peter: That's the goal. (this bus ride seems to be pretty normal loud and bumpy thanks to flash thompson I wonder what inventions we'll see over there a hoverboard a- (Over there at Oscorp )Peter:A bunch of spiders?! Well I don't have to just take pictures of just this , let me just take pics of you and you ooh I like this one Whoa ow stupid spiders case oh right the group. Dr Otto Octavis:Hello everybody who wants to see my arms I made this using the special type of metal.Ah yes you sir? Peter:First of all a very big fan and second of all, is that vibranium? Flash: Of course puny parker would know that. ( The class starts to laugh but Peter doesn't care he's too excited to notice) Otto: Why yes there is vibranium on the arms now who wants a tour? ( The class moans of boredom except for two ) Love that excitement and remember questions at the end. Okay so over here is a man working on wings to help get around faster with style.His name is Toomes and on the right you can see Dr Curt Conners making a serum to give people who are missing limbs a fresh new pair.Some real arms not robotic ones like yours truly and up ahead you can see Norman Osborn talking to our electric man Max. Alright any questions.( Norman walks away from hearing range and calls curt and Ben which surprises Peter because he didn't know of this ) Norman: Hello Ben.Do you want to change the world? Ben: yes sir. Norman: Do you want this serum? This can change the world for the better. You do want better for the world don't you? For Peter? You can have all of this making you strong.With power and no responsibility. What do you say.(A few days later) Ben: Alright Peter go get eggs for the cake we're going to bake, aunt may. Peter: You know how to cook a cake?! Ben: There will be a tutorial online. Peter: Alright.Be right back.

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