God, I fucking want a line so badly.

"They don't have a clue what they're talking about, A." Priya chimes in, stepping in front of me protectively as we round a corner in case anyone is lingering nearby. "The media are just idiots that can't tell their asses from their elbows. I know it's hard but you just have to let it go over your head,"

"Water off a duck's back," Cooper adds unhelpfully.

"That doesn't help," I groan. "Do you think Harry is okay?"

"He'll be fine," Cooper replies, steering me in the right direction. "Let's just focus on getting you to the car and then we can worry about Harry, alright? One thing at a time, Arlie."

I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat which only seems to be growing bigger as I let the two of them and the security team guide me blindly through the airport. Taking specific routes and sideways to avoid as many people as possible, I am hidden away from the public as much as I can be.

But I know it is coming.

I know that I am going to have to get into the car and while paps may not be allowed in the building, they can certainly wait outside for me.

Getting back through security and passport control was a breeze considering I had a fast track and personal escorts.

"Wait, wait!" Priya stops the death march that leads us toward the doors. "C'mere!"

I stop as she says and wait while she pulls a baseball cap from her bag and tucks it securely on my head. I let her pull my hair out around my face to shield me even more. Next, she takes a pair of large-lense sunglasses and hooks them over my ears.

"Isn't this all a little cliché?" I question, feeling a little stupid. "This feels like something out of a cringey movie."

"It's necessary." She tells me firmly. "Whatever picture they get of you now will be used in tomorrow's tabloids. Let's give them as little as possible, okay?"

I nod, my stomach churning as I gaze at her through a darkened viewpoint. There is a clammy sweat that coats my hands and makes me feel sticky.  I hate the feeling of it but I know that it is just my body reacting to the danger I feel.

Holding my breath, I look down at myself. In a simple pair of grey sweatpants, a snug-fitting white tank top and a matching grey sweater which is draped over my shoulders, I blend in with everyone else travelling in comfy clothes through the airport.

The only difference is that there are a swarm of paps waiting just around the corner.

My hands shake more than I think they ever have as I take a deep breath and chew on the inside of my cheek. Everyone surrounding me waits for my cue as I compose myself enough to walk outside.

"Ready?" Cooper questions softly, nudging me a little since I keep zoning out and drifting back into my own world.

I don't want to do this, I just want to be able to be with Harry again.

It's been so long since I last saw him. Seventy-four days, in fact.

"It's raining," Priya comments absentmindedly, speaking her thoughts out loud.

Looking out of the glass window, I peek my head around the mountain of a security guard to see the dull drizzle that rains down on the tarmac of the road.

"Fitting," I murmur under my breath, looking towards the window that is being shielded by people surrounding me like I was the damn president or someone of actual importance. "Alright–" I sigh. "Let's just get this over with."

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