Remembrance: Memories

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Alright I know this is late and stuff but here I am now! HAHAHA!!!!.....ahem. So First things first this story was planned for a while, but I didn't work on it at all because of a few things, so first and most importantly! I had no fucking clue on what I wanted to do. Like I had ideas which I mentioned in one of the other stories that I had something for it like, the story would've just been a whole bunch of memories that took place somewhere before the ending of the story, and it would've just been that, and the "memories", I had planned was a date chapter, which they would've just went to a cafe or something, or went to a festival of some sort where they maybe possibly might've seen a familiar was Kiara. Then I had a sort of beach day chapter idea, that legit went nowhere as I gave it little to no thought about it, and there aren't honestly that many details about that as I really didn't think much about it. I couldn't quite figure out what I wanted for two of the chapters since I was settled even around that time, that this story was only going to be five chapters, nothing more nothing less. I knew how I wanted it to end, which was going to be at a marriage proposal and would've ended with Mumei standing infront of (Y/n)'s gave as she would've thanked him for letting her live a life that she would've never expected to live, and for making such memories that she would cherish till the end of civilization.

Yeah that's kinda what the original idea was, but I didn't really work on it that much to be honest which is kinda why it was so bare-bones, and didn't really have a lot of thought put into it, as around that time I'm trying to remember which story I was working on, It might've been From The Ashes We Rise, not too too sure. Anyways, I ended up completely forgetting that I even said that I would and kinda wasn't planning on making it until someone asked(they know who they are), when I mentioned that I was adding another chapter to a different story. Then someone else, mentioned that if I did do it, that maybe have Mumei learn that Friend and (Y/n) are the same and that she would think about how she treats friend and stuff like that, they know who they are. Anyways, I started to work on that story and wasn't planned on releasing it until I actually finished it as a surprise but, obviously didn't do that.

The story actually ended up being a lot darker than I thought it would've been, and I'm the one who wrote it, and this has been the first and only story that I have written where each part had it's chapters written in extreme detail on what I wanted to do with it. The only one that I did have some issues with writing was when (Y/n) was dying in the hospital and I was trying to figure out exactly how I wanted that to go, and somehow ended up with what we got. So there were definitely not a lot of changes to this story, and with some of them only being pretty minor, like I had it planned that they moved to a new house and stuff, and a possible honeymoon which obviously I didn't put in. 

The ending did change slightly and it's honestly for the better since with we got I wanted to make you all question if he really was there or not, since Mumei could've probably maybe been hallucinating or just was making that whole experience up, I'll leave that up to you to decide if she was or not. Essentially though the story did relatively stay exactly how I planned it, which uh, something to admit here, the chapter that had the most detail written about, and was legit planned before the first chapter even released, was Not Tomorrow, that one I had planned for a while now, and that was probably the darkest thing I have ever written not going to lie. I was definitely in a mood after I wrote that, and honestly have no idea what I think about that one, and didn't really know how y'all would've thought about it after I released it. I after I wrote it debated with myself on wheater or not I should publish it, thinking that it might've been too much, just a bit, but I still ended up releasing it for better or for worse.

One thing I'd liked to mention is that most of the cut ideas from A Nameless Song were used here like, uh fun fact Not Tomorrow was an idea I had for that story, which never saw the light of day...until now. 

Also, I was wondering what y'all thought about how the story was all told from Mumei's POV, as my reasoning for it was that well, their her memories, they're what she remembers, and it wouldn't make sense if during the memory that it would've switched to (Y/n)'s POV because in my mind it just didn't make sense for it to change, because well, how the hell would Mumei know what (Y/n) saw? Plus I think it was a nice touch, as it should what Mumei honestly thought about through those moments and how much he meant to her, and how much what he did for her really affected her.

So I did get a complaint about how the ending wasn't really happy, and was still pretty sad and I'd like to say my reasoning for that, and the reasoning for why some of my stories are also pretty sad, is that nothing in life has a happy ending or is good, sometimes life is just harsh, and ruthless, and that not everything is just sunshine and rainbows, which is kinda why I write the way I day, and usually have a somewhat bittersweet ending to my stories.

There honestly isn't a lot to write here as most of the story as I said was pretty much set in stone from the start, and was always planned to be like this, though I don't if y'all really like the end result or not, or if honestly it was a good "conclusion" for A Nameless song, but for me it was, since it showed Mumei struggling to deal with things like death, and other such things that we experience and how it would've affected her, and her eventually finding closure to all of this. But yeah that's all really it to be honest, and I hoped you all enjoyed that story, and as someone asked if I was planning on making something like this for the other stories, my answer to that is maybe, as I will admit, I wanted to do something for the Kiara story as we legit had no idea how they met and how their relationship even started, which was lightly explained in the extra chapter, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do that yet as I want to finish a few other stories since, heheh I have a "few" stories that aren't finished, which as I will say the Kronii story is planned kinda like the conclusion to my weird Holocouncil stories and won't really be worked on until the other stories are finished, and would end up explaining a lot of..."things" that happen in my stories, but that's all for later.

Anyways, hope you all enjoyed this short "thing", and are excited for my other stories, especiall a one week friend which should be ending soon, and I will admit is probably one of the oddest things that I have ever written, but yeah that's all for now my doods, see you all next time, DEUCES!!!

The Cutting Room FloorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon