Entry 62 - Smilin' and Dyin'

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Jerry is barely talking to me, still pissed as we all sit on the tour bus. I'm annoyed at him and he is the same with me, but Starr is handing round joints and I gladly accept. I need something to take the edge off and hopefully this will do the trick.

My headaches after taking cocaine are always worse in the mornings, and I can already feel some relief as the pain calms a little after a puff on the green stuff. Layne is smiling at me while I place my lips over the joint and take a draw of it, staring at me suggestively, Jerry glancing over, pretending he ain't looking, but it's very obvious he is.

"Mmmm, I seen you do that before" Layne smirks, music to the dismay of Jerry, who shakes his head while he puffs on the joint he was given.

I smile back at Layne and wink at him, mainly because I want to piss Jerry off and also because Layne is adorable and I can't resist that smile.

Thirty minutes into the journey, and I'm sitting on Layne's lap, while he nibbles into my neck and laughs into my skin. My eyes close and I smile and I giggle at how good he feels, and how incredibly hot this is. We have no shame, he doesn't care who is watching us and nor do I. The only person that seems to have a problem is Jerry, who has gone to sit away from us so his eyes aren't blessed with what me and Layne are involved in. He's sitting closer to Mike and his new brunette, which is unlike Jerry, but hey I ain't complaining.

"Baby, you smell so fucking good." Layne says as his hand moves under my skirt, his mouth still nibbling on my neck.

Damn, I'm getting wet just from his words and his touch, we haven't even gotten to foreplay yet and I could probably cum instantly if he begins to touch me.

Soon we kiss passionately and longingly as I palm his erection over his jeans, and he strokes my thigh, tasting the weed we not long ago indulged in.

"I can't take it anymore." We hear as footsteps approach us.

I feel my wrist being grabbed, and I pull away from Layne's kiss to see Jerry who yanks me off of Layne's lap.

"What the actual hell?!" I say, looking confused and annoyed all at the same time.

"Are you trying to fucking piss me off Bess?" Jerry says with grit.

I shrug and raise my eyebrows. "Is it working?"

"I fucking hate you sometimes....FUCK!" Jerry says in anger.

"I thought you loved me....now please remove your grip from me..." I reply as I try to tug my arm back.

"Jerry, calm down man...it's only a little fun." Layne says. You know it's bad when Layne comments on something, he's always so chilled out. I don't think he enjoys the fact Jerry is gripping onto me like the jealous and possessive asshole he can be.

Jerry throws my arm down, letting it go and he impulsively hits one of the seats on the tour bus as he turns away from us and walks back down to the back of the room.

I shake my head and take a deep breath, rubbing my wrist where Jerry kept a tight hold on me.

"Are you okay?" Layne asks me, now with a more serious face. I think he can take Jerry using defamatory words, but touching me, grabbing me? I got a feeling Layne ain't gonna stand for that.

I nod and smile slightly. "I'm okay."

A few hours in and we stop off at a place called 'Green River', there's a mall there and I know for a fact the reason Sean and Tori have decided on pulling up to this place in because there used to be a band from Seattle called 'Green River' and Stone used to be a part of it. They are clowning and want to tease Jerry some more about me calling him Stone. I know Jerry will get annoyed again. When isn't he? 

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