˜"*°•.˜"*°• 12 •°*"˜.•°*"˜

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My head was on his chest, I hear his heart beating; it was like a tiny machine gun—it was beating so fast. I guess he's nervous too. "I just think if you back out now, this planning will be a waste" he says making me chuckle softly

We separated from the hug and Yoongi grabs my shoulders "so, Y/n... you wanna marry me or not?" he asked

I look deep in his eyes seeing his soft look like he was saying it was my decision to make "I'll marry you..." I say softly "we're in this together right?" I asked and he nods

"You ready?" Yoongi asks and this time I nod firmly

When there was a soft knock on the grand doors we got into position and as it was opened we see the outside sunset looking right at us. Flowers everywhere, the people looking right us, candles on the floor. Rihht ahead was the altar that was made of leaves with little while flowers on them. When we arrived right in front of it with the priest I took a deep breath as I look at Yoongi. Here it goes...

After the priest say things it was our turn to say our hopes for this marriage, of course this was not my idea but my mom's.

Yoongi was up first and I feel my heart beating twice as fast; he clears his throat before speaking "Y/n... I um... I never really talk about my feelings b-but knowing you I'll have to, for this to work..." The guests bursts into a chuckle including me "I know we left things very complicated but I'm glad that we got to talk again. I never realized how much you mean to me not until I saw again... the back of my head said some things that wasn't making bunch of sense and I ignored it at first but this was the best decision I have ever made in my entire life" his words left me at awe

"Y/n, I heard many clichés this kinda stuff; like making you happy, being a good husband but those things never really stick for some marriage but... all those years of being friend I think I'll do a good job in making you a long lasting friend, as long as I'm here with you we'll be happy." " if you're wondering when did I became a romantic—I didn't Jimin helped me with this" he slides in making me laugh "but for the most part, I am telling you the truth" he states finishing off

Damn... I think I just cried

This time I cleared my throat getting ready to speak "some say I'm a big romantic and I would disagree; but in some degree... I kind of agree with them. I've always dreamed about the perfect relationship I've longed for-like the kind of relationship in the movies, this days I've experienced that with you." "while planning this wedding I have come to realize how much you and I are different but... I guess that's how this works. I like us being different because we contrast with each other, of course I think it'll cause lots of arguments but... as always we'll ease into them like we always do"

"I know I haven't said this since I saw you but, I am sorry for what happened the last time we were together. That was dumb of me to do and I realize how big of a mistake I made; I promised myself if I ever got to see you again I'll never ever repeat it again" I say firmly "I have to agree with you with the clichés about giving a message to the other person but I guess they were right-I promise, in this moment, that I won't hurt you. I'll do my absolute best in being the best wife I can be for you." I pause "maybe they were right about me being a romantic..." I chuckle softly making him sniffle

"now that the two have spoken their promises towards each other, I now pronounce them... husband and wife" "you may kiss your bride Mr. Min" he says looking at Yoongi

I paused for a moment forgetting this part in the ceremony. How can I forget that we're going to kiss? God, I'm an idiot

Yoongi looks at me, signaling with his eyes if it was ok, and I just give him a soft nod giving him an ok.

𝓞𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓭 (discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat