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-Throne Room-


Didalam throne room sudah ada Caspian, Peter, Edmund, Lucy dan Lord Henry.

" Eustace, where is he anyway? " Tanyaku sambil berjalan ke singgasana ku.

" He went to all region to calm the people down, accompanied by Lord Bash " Jawab Caspian.

Tak lama pintu throne room terbuka. Terlihat Arous datang dengan sebuah surat.

" A letter from Prince Luke, Your Majesties " - Arous

Peter mengambil surat itu dan membacanya.

" Greeting, The Kings and Queens of Old...

I hope Your Majesties does not resent[membenci] me for transferring you into your world. I do respect Your Majesties as The Kings and Queens of Narnia.

And i hope i'm allowed to talk to Your Majesties again. Just, The Kings and Queens of old. I assure you, this time is not a trap.

I look forward to Your Majesties presence at the meeting point. " - Prince Luke

Aku melirik Peter lalu sedikit menunduk tidak enak dengan Caspian. Caspian hanya terdiam menahan emosinya. Sedangkan Peter terdiam belum mengambil keputusan apa-apa.

" What exactly your problem with him, Cas? " Tanya Lucy pelan.

" Nothing! How many times must i convince[meyakinkan] you?! " Bentak Caspian kepada Lucy.

" Don't yell at my sister! " Ujar Edmund tidak terima sambil berdiri dihadapan Caspian.

" I'm sorry to say this Caspian... But, It's impossible for Luke to hate you that much if you didn't do anything. " Tambah Peter pelan.

Aku menahan Peter untuk tidak melanjutkan ucapannya atau hanya akan memperburuk keadaan.

" Now you're all accusing[menuduh] me? You as well, Sheeka? " Ujar Caspian sambil berdiri.

" No... I'm not " Jawabku dan menenangkan nya.

" I trust you. You always trust me, and so am i " Lanjut ku.

" Thank you.. " Balasnya

" You can't just trust him, just because he always trusts you! " Ujar Edmund meninggi kepadaku.

Aku melihat Edmund dan menatap nya tajam.

" I'm sorry, My Love.. But this time i agree with Edmund " Tambah Peter.

Aku melihat Lucy dan dia hanya menunduk tidak menjawab apapun.

" I'm sorry i have to say this. Caspian always believed in me even when you didn't. He always helped me when you didn't. And he's the only person who supports me rather than pitying[mengasihani] me when i'm in hard time " Ucapku pelan.

" Why do i feel like you mean we never helped you? " Ucap Edmund dingin.

" That's not what i mean, Ed- " Balasku terpotong oleh terbukanya throne room.


Millie masuk ke ruangan dengan sedikit was-was melihat suasana kami.

" Ouh My Lord Henry? Aren't you and Keera going? " Tanya Millie sambil berjalan kearah kami.

" Pardon me, My Lady? " Tanya Henry.

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