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Upon returning to the base, Seth and I rushed Esmeralda, Mahari and Aurelia to the infirmary. The base's infirmary, typically a haven for healing and recovery, became a somber stage for a desperate bid against the supernatural scourge. As Seth and I hurried them inside, a tense urgency hung in the air.

The medical team, accustomed to tending to the wounds inflicted by more conventional means, now faced a threat that transcended the boundaries of the natural world. The bitten trio, once resilient warriors, laid in a vulnerable state as the medical personnel worked tirelessly to mitigate the effects of the vampire's venom.

Seth's expression, a blend of determination and apprehension, mirrored mine as we stood vigil over our afflicted comrades.

"It's going to be okay, Eden. We've got the best medical team in the world." Seth rubbed my shoulders, as the hum of medical equipment and the sterile scent of antiseptic filled the room.

"What if it's not enough? What if this kills them?" I muttered, tearing my gaze away from them momentarily.

"Hey, you can't think like that, Eden. It's gonna be okay, I promise." Seth replied, a fear in his eyes that I didn't recognize. If this was planned, nobody clued any of us in.

"But how do you know that? I thought they were supposed to be on our side, why would they attack us? We didn't do anything, they  didn't do anything to deserve this!"

Seth wordlessly pulled me into his arms, running a hand down the back of my head, allowing me to be vulnerable.

After a few quiet moments together, a nurse was rushing to our side. "I'm very sorry, but it would appear it's too late to reverse the venom of the vampire bites."

Seth's jaw tightened, and my gaze lingered on their faces, watching solemnly as the vampiric transformations began to take place.

"What do you mean?" I stammered. There had to be another way.

"Their lives as humans are no longer, but their lives as vampires is just beginning. There's no way to tell if they'll be themselves or not. Prepare for what may come." The nurse returned to her work, leaving Seth and I alone once more.

"Where's Jessica? She's got something to do with this," I cursed.

"Eden, it's best if we don't jump to conclusions right now. Let's just be happy that they're still alive, okay?"

That wasn't enough for me. Fueled by a potent blend of frustration and grief, I stormed into out of the infirmary and down the hallway to Jessica's office. I let myself inside, my furious eyes landing on Jessica and Verena, who were having a conversation.

My gaze never left Jessica, the president of the Divine Republic, who sat behind her imposing desk. The air crackled with tension as I demanded the answers that eluded me in the shadows of uncertainty.

"Jessica, I need answers! What the hell was that out there? Did you know this was going to happen?!" I bellowed, slamming my fists onto the table.

Jessica, shrouded in an air of calculated composure, met my gaze with a steely resolve. The room seemed to shrink under the pressure of unspoken truths and unanswered questions.

"Answer me, god damn it! I've had enough of your games, Jessica! Aurelia, Esmeralda and Mahari... what did you do to them?" I snapped.

The veneer of civility shattered as my frustration erupted into a crescendo of emotion. With my fists clenched, and my voice a raw symphony of anger and grief, reverberated through the office's confines. The walls seemed to close in, mirroring the suffocating grip of the enigma that surrounded the vampiric affliction.

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