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Overwhelmed by the shocking appearance of the young woman who looked identical to me on national television, I hurriedly left my room in search of Mahari. Confusion and a gnawing sense of unease gripped me, and I needed answers. I needed to know if he had seen this and if he could shed some light on the bizarre revelation.

As I made my way through the complex, my mind raced with questions. How could someone who looked so much like me be on television, especially in connection with the Divine Republic? Was this some twisted propaganda or an eerie coincidence? I needed to understand the implications and unravel the mystery.

My footsteps quickened as I headed to find Mahari, my heart pounding with a sense of urgency. The events of the day had taken a surreal turn, and I couldn't shake the feeling that we were edging closer to a truth that was stranger and more dangerous than I had ever imagined.

I flew down the hallway, unsure about which room belonged to him. I bit down on my lip anxiously, the tightening in my chest growing stronger as seconds slipped away. Dizziness began to overtake me, as I stumbled against the wall. I clutched my chest in agony, tears spilling out of my eyes.

The weight of it all was crushing me, the walls slowly closing in on me. I was disappearing into the darkness of my own personal hell. Nothing made sense, and everything seemed to keep piling up, adding to my grief. It was at that moment of distress, that Mahari appeared like my guardian angel. His face softened upon glancing at me. "It's okay, Eden. C'mere." He cooed, opening his arms to me. I sank into them without a second thought.

I clung to his steadying presence, feeling the turmoil within me slowly ebb away. The storm of panic began to subside, and I found a moment of respite amid the chaos. With Mahari by my side, I felt a spark of hope, a reminder that I wasn't facing this bewildering journey alone.

Mahari led me further down the hallway, soon stopping in front of the last door on the second floor. He scanned his card, and nudged the door open. We hurried inside, as Mahari quickly locked the door behind us. He helped me over to the couch. "What's going on, love? Talk to me."

With trembling hands, I snatched the remote off the coffee table and flicked his television on. I navigated to the GMA interview with Dr. Bennett and the young woman who shared an uncanny resemblance with me. Mahari's face was equally as shocked as my own, as he came closer to me.

"This... my God. There's no way she actually went through with this." He muttered, his eyebrows drawing closer to the other.

"What's going on, Mahari? Do you know anything about this?" I implored, my voice shaky. "Who is she? Why does she look like me?"

Mahari's eyes met mine briefly. He opened his mouth, but soon shut it. His face was etched with confliction. Then, he finally spoke softly. "Eden, there's so much more that I have to tell you.. but I fear what could come once you know."

I shook my head. "This is my life they're gambling with, Mahari! I need the fucking truth, please!"

I didn't mean to come off so abrasive, but no one would give me any kind of validity. I needed to know what was truly going on.

"That night when you stumbled across the young woman who'd been drained of her blood.." His voice was barely above a whisper. "They came up with an elaborate plan. They knew that you wouldn't be able to resist an opportunity to expose them for their true nature,"

Mahari continued, "The young woman you saw, the one who was drained of her blood, it was all a setup. They used special effects makeup to make it look like she'd been attacked. They wanted to make you a pawn in their game, to draw you closer to their grasp."

I couldn't comprehend the words that were coming out of his mouth. I'd been set up from the start, everything that had happened wasn't by chance; it was on purpose. The more that I learned, the sicker I felt.

"But why, Mahari?" I asked, my voice quivering. "Why go to such lengths? What do they want from me?"

Mahari's eyes bore into mine, his expression grave. "Eden, you're not just a random target. They see something in you, something they believe can be used to their advantage. You represent a threat to their regime, and they want to neutralize it."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I was in over my head, with no way out. The knife just kept twisting further into my chest.

"Eden," Mahari continued, his voice filled with concern, "the woman in the interview, the one who looks identical to you, she's a clone. She's part of the Divine Republic's twisted experiments, an attempt to create a perfect obedient version of you."

"Jessica always talked about wanting to create perfect genetic copies of those who oppose the Divine Republic, those who speak negatively of them and their actions. She's tried millions of times, it just so happened to work this time." Mahari said, pacing the room slowly.

"That's just.. that's disturbing!" I felt a chill run down my spine at the thought. A clone? The notion was both surreal and horrifying. It was becoming increasingly evident that the Divine Republic would stop at nothing to further their agenda, even resorting to such unethical and eerie practices.

"What exactly are they going to do with her, Mahari?" I asked, not really wanting to hear the response.

Mahari's face darkened. "I'm not entirely sure, but it can't be anything good. Cloning humans is forbidden, for ethical and moral reasons. The fact that they've done it means they're willing to cross any line to achieve their goals. I've already said too much."

"Her name is Verena West," Mahari revealed, his voice heavy with the weight of the information. "She was created in a laboratory here on the base, using some of the most advanced and secret technologies that the world believed America no longer possessed."

The name Verena West sent a shiver down my spine. It was chilling to think that a clone of me, with a different identity, had been crafted using cutting-edge technology hidden away in this very base. The implications of such a revelation were staggering.

"I just.. why? Why me? Why does Jessica feel like I'm the key to her story?"

The weight of the divulgence, the manipulation, and the eerie existence of the clone named Verena West became too much to bear. In that moment, as the truth of our dire circumstances sank in, I broke down into tears. The flood of emotions, the fear, and the overwhelming sense of helplessness overwhelmed me.

Tears streamed down my face as I sat there, my shoulders trembling with the weight of the world pressing down on me. The enormity of the task ahead, the uncertainty of our future, and the knowledge of the sinister capabilities of the Divine Republic left me feeling small and powerless.

Mahari moved closer, offering a comforting presence. He didn't say anything; he simply sat beside me, providing the solace of his presence in that moment of vulnerability. And it was in that unspoken support that I found a glimmer of strength to face the challenges that lay ahead, determined to uncover the truth and take a stand against the darkness that had enveloped our lives.

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