Chapter 11: Mewtwo

Start from the beginning

  Confusion! I thought, and used my Confusion move. The copied Lucas spun around and fell to the ground, unable to move for a second.

"Mewtwo, who is that?" Ness asked me.

  Most likely an evil copy of Lucas. Dark Lucas, to be specific. I'll grab the real Lucas, and then we need to get out of here.

"No you don't!" Dark Lucas shouted.

  What?! I thought. Dark Lucas laughed.

"Yes, I can read thoughts like you, Mewtwo." Dark Lucas said.

  Don't make me laugh. I said in Dark Lucas' mind. Ness, take Lucas and yourself to a safe place. The elevator, perhaps. I said to Ness in his mind.

"Okay, Mewtwo." Ness said, picking up Lucas and running to the elevator.

"Oh, well. I didn't want to mess with the small fry, anyway." Dark Lucas said to me.

  You sure talk a lot. Let's see what you can do in a battle. I said to Dark Lucas. Dark Lucas charged and tried to land a dash attack, but I just warped behind him and punched Dark Lucas hard. Dark Lucas skidded back and growled.

"PK Fire!" Dark Lucas yelled, and shot a PK beam at me. I used my Confusion move, and the PK beam was reflected to Dark Lucas, who created a PSI Magnet around him and absorbed the blast, which healed him.

  You're pretty good, for a copy. I said in Dark Lucas' mind.

"That's how I was created to be!" Dark Lucas said.

  Who, exactly, created you? I asked.

"That's for me to know." Dark Lucas said, "However, he is in the Dark Legion."

  The Dark Legion again! I thought.

"C'mon, then, let's see the power of the so-called 'mighty' Mewtwo!" Dark Lucas taunted. I lunged for Dark Lucas, landing a dash attack. Dark Lucas was launched straight above me, and counterattacked with a mighty downward kick. I flew back a little and started charging up my Shadow Ball.

"PK Fire!" Dark Lucas yelled, and I quickly stopped charging my Shadow Ball and blocked the attack.

  Nice try. I said, and started to charge my Shadow Ball again. Dark Lucas charged at me, and I released a fully-charged Shadow Ball at him. Dark Lucas flew back and hit the wall before falling to the ground.

"I'm not done yet!" Dark Lucas shouted, standing up.

  Fine with me. I told him, and charged again. I landed a dash attack on Dark Lucas before sending him up in the air with a quick up Smash attack. Dark Lucas shot into the air and started to fall again. Then, at the last second, he attacked me with another downward kick. I fell to the ground but quickly got back up. Is that all you got? I taunted.

"You haven't even seen what I can really do!" Dark Lucas shouted, and charged at me again.

  Take this! I shouted, and used my Disable move. Dark Lucas froze in place, unable to move. I used a quick side Smash attack that sent him flying. Dark Lucas unfroze and landed on his feet, growling. Dark Lucas jumped into the air once. What's he doing? I thought.

"This!" Dark Lucas said, having read my mind. "PK Thunder!" He yelled, and a ball of blue lightning shot out of Dark Lucas.

  That's all? You made a blue ball come out of your brain? I said to Dark Lucas. Dark Lucas smirked and directed the thunder ball to himself. Covered in electricity, Dark Lucas slammed into me, which launched me into the air. Dark Lucas landed on his feet and I plummeted down and hit the ground hard on my back.

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