beginning of chapter 1 of VII0

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Author's note ok so I'm still sick so this may or may not be short TW mentions of murder and nightmares

Lloyd's pov
It had been a day since monokuma had explained everything to us, and I've never felt so sick to my stomach before most likely due to fear I mean this was a killing game after all, I still don't feel very threatened tho probably because nothing has happened yet monokuma seemed extremely annoying this morning when we were at breakfast due to the "lack of excitement" this is disgusting I wish I could get in the bath and scrub off this nasty feeling that something was about to go wrong

*Ding dong ding dong* "hello~ students of hopes peak academy for ultimate gifted juveniles it is now 9:00 pm time to sleep unless you guys are ready to finally skip to the fun part! This is getting annoying! I want blood and Gore so let's go e it everything we got! Ok!? Eh...? Anyways goodnight don't let the monokuma bugs bite"

Though I don't want to I head to sleep deciding it's better to listen to the bear and get out when I can so I lay on my bead and let the oh so comforting darkness take over

"Shhh it's ok Lloyd your gonna be with the man on the mooon~~~" everything is blurry the sound of a screaming baby is very audible though "take care of him kaito! Bye bye baby papa love you your loved Lloyd your loved I'll miss you and when you miss me look to the stars because I'll be there~" suddenly silents and the the sound of a machine I was so loud my heart sunk as suddenly everything came into view it was a hydraulic press and someone was under it and then suddenly a hand covered my face and I heard the unsettling sound of something being squished the sound of Bones cracking and the sound of blood splattering I wanted to throw up

I shot out of bed the same shocked expression on my face that had been there the last two times this dream had happened ever since I had come here to the killing game I keep having this dream or nightmare...

Author's note I'm still sorry about them being so short I'm sick and I'm really tired but I still want to keep updating this! :D 💚

Words 406

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