The Shredder Strikes, Part 2

Start from the beginning

Later the fire has broken out all across the rooftop. Tasneem and Mikey were fighting off a few ninjas, Tasneem kicks aside a ninja but Mikey gets kick in the chest sending him flying back. Mikey smashes into a pair of ninja facing off with Donnie and Cheyenne, and all three go down, with Mikey on top. Donnie and Cheyenne walk over to him while Tasneem fended off ninjas. "Nice landing." Donnie said to him. "They don't call me Air Mikey for nothing." Mikey said to him as Cheyenne helps him up. "I've never heard anyone call you that." Tasneem said to him as she runs over to them. "Uh, lot of times people call me that." Mikey said to her then the four rush back into battle. 

Raph and Jamey attempted to attack Shredder who easily kicks. Leo tries his hand but Shredder kicks him back making Leo fly back and hits the building's ledge, breaking off a chunk of concrete and losing both his swords. Leo groans and starts to stand, and is beset by several ninjas, who grab him. Jesse went to go help Leo but ninjas tackled her to the ground. But Jesse manage to free one of her arm and then flipping back kicking away the ninjas but also twisting her arm at an odd angle. Jesse lands and she holds her shoulder with a pained expression on her face. Suddenly, the Shredder jumped through the flames kicking Jesse back. "I will finish you first." Shredder said to her then he kicks Jesse over the edge of the building. "Jesse!" Leo scream as he tries to fight against the ninjas that was holding him but to no avail. "Jesse, no!" Jamey shout as she runs towards the edge but a wall of fire grew. "Jamey!" Raph shouts when he saw her running towards the fire. Raph runs after her and he tackles her to the ground and he holds her as Jamey struggled in his arms, Shredder laughs amused by this.

Suddenly, there is a rumbling sound as the building shakes and then a section of the roof crumbles inward. The rooftop cracks open, the crack racing towards Shredder, and fire shoots up and the building starts to collapse. 

Leo was free of the ninja who were holding him, backs away from the Shredder and then falls. Leo lands hard on top of a parked car and then rolls off onto the street.

Donnie and Cheyenne gotten separated and now Donnie jumps off the rooftop, grabbing onto a nearby lamp post before losing his grip and falling to the street below. 

Raph and Jamey ended up landing in a metal garbage bin and the lid closes on top of them providing protection from the falling debris.

Mikey gets separated from Tasneem and he ended up finding Cheyenne and the two jump off the building before getting covered by falling debris.

Tasneem uses her weapon to swing onto another building landing safely but alone thinking Mikey was right behind her.

Donnie rubs his head and he groans in pain, he then turns to see Mikey and Cheyenne nearby, Cheyenne was trying to move a large piece chunk of the roof lying on top of Mikey's leg. Donnie quickly got up and runs over to them. "I can't take you anywhere, Mikey." Donnie said to him. "Hey, I was trying to move, but the building just jumped out and attacked me." Mikey said to him then Cheyenne looks at Donnie. "Have you seen the others?" Cheyenne asks him. "No, the fire separated us." Donnie said to her. "Okay, we need to find them." Cheyenne said to them then she realize that Donnie was staring at her. "Anyway, let's get you out of there Mikey." Donnie said to Mikey then he carefully uses his bō as a lever and shifts the concrete slab off of his brother. "Ow! I think I hurt my ankle." Mikey said to them. "Duh. Come on, I'll help you." Donnie said to him as he hands Mikey his Bo Staff so he could lean on it and slung his left arm over Donnie's shoulder. The three walk away just as sections of the building falls behind them as they head for an alley. "Oh, man." Mikey said making Cheyenne and Donnie turn to see Shredder walks unhurriedly through the flames on the ground floor of the building and stops at the entrance. "Tell me I'm not seeing what I'm seeing." Mikey asks the two. "I wish I could, Mikey. I wish I could." Donnie said to him while Cheyenne was getting even more worried.

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