"Step out, now!" He commanded, mustering as much courage as he had left inside him.

"Alden, wait!" A familiar female voice called out from behind the car. Not a second later Laura stepped out. "It's just me. I thought you were one of them."

"Yeah, same. So did I." He let out a relieved sigh. He hugged her tight. "I lost sight of everyone. I don't know where Maggie is. I saw Rose get injured, she was with Carl and Elijah. I lost sight of her too."

"I haven't seen them either." She shook her head. "I think I saw Jesus get away, but I don't think he saw me."

"It was mayhem back there. Do you know where he went? Three is better than two."

She pointed towards the old mall. "I was following him, which might not have been the smartest thing to do. I only stopped because I thought you wanted to kill me."

"Let's get going." He nodded.

Maggie was on her own, moving through the old abandoned mall. The mannequins surrounding her were a thousand times more terrifying than they should be because of the residual adrenaline pumping through her veins. A mannequin clattered to the ground loudly behind her and she jumped. She evened out her breath before she continued through the crowd of mannequins.

With each step she crept further forward she got more certain that someone was there. She tightened her grip on her knife and readied herself for what's to come. She had already killed one of the Reapers by throwing him down the stairs, she was sure she could take out another one. She raised her knife up, ready to strike, when she noticed something move like a shadow behind the broad pillar.

A figure came out from behind the pillar. He was wrapped in shadows and carried a spear. The figure took another step forward into the light. And once in the light she recognized him right away. She let out a relieved sigh as she lowered her knife.


His face lit up when he recognized her too. "Maggie."

"Alden, watch out!" Laura yelled desperately. Her shout was followed by struggling.

"Laura!" He yelled back. He ran back to her.

He wasn't fast enough.

Laura cried out in pain . Her voice was filled with pain and then a thud followed. Everything happened out of Maggie's point of view; she couldn't see anything.

Alden saw it all. He saw the knife go into her side and the deep slash across her stomach that followed.

Maggie tried to help. She only managed to take one step forward before she herself got jumped by another Reaper. Now Alden was split to choose between them. And in that split second he hesitated the Reaper that had attacked Laura left her injured and bleeding on the ground and moved onto Alden with lightning speed.

Alden had been too slow. The Reaper tossed his smaller knife aside and whipped out a larger hunting knife. He tackled Alden to the ground with ease. Now he was also out of sight for Maggie.

Not that she could help him. She was pinned to the ground. She used all of her strength to keep that man from killing her. She recognized he was holding Elijah's kama. The Reaper tried to push it down into her chest. She could hear Alden struggling not too far away from her. She could hear fists landing on him and then she heard him cry out in pain. She'd never heard him yelp out in pain like that before. Another shot of adrenaline shot through her body..

She scrambled to find something in her reach that she could use as a weapon. The empty glass bottle by her head would have to do. With great difficulty she moved her foot up and used it to force one of his arms up. She snaked her hand up as fast as she could but couldn't quite reach the bottle. There was no time to waste and there was only one thing on her mind; Alden was in danger. She pulled her hand back and beat her fist against his chest a couple of times to knock the air out of his lungs. She managed to beat him off balance and this gave her enough leverage to reach the bottle.

Shambles- The Walking Dead [Alden x Maggie] [1/2]Where stories live. Discover now