Chapter 9

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When morning rays peeped into the room through the window Aditya stirred in his sleep.

He groaned in pain when his back became stiff from sleeping in an uncomfortable position all night.

He blinked his eyes to wipe the remaining sleep from his eyes.

Sitting straight he rolled back his shoulders to ease some pain. It looks like his back has formed some knots but how?

He looked around himself and found that he was sleeping on the floor by taking the support of the wall.

His brows scrunched in confusion as to why he was sleeping like this when all previous night memories came flooding to his mind.

He smiled sadly and got up with the help of the wall. He searched the room for Kiara but found none.

But when he looked at the hanging clock, his eyes widened in surprise It was seven in the morning and he, like a log, was still sleeping.

Damn! He missed his gym today. She must be downstairs by now.

He knows that her hospital work hours start sharp at nine' o clock.

He hurriedly took his clothes and ran to the washroom. It's the first day of marriage and he doesn't want to leave a bad impression on Kiara that he sleeps like a panda.

[Author : As if she cares😏]

Here Kiara was descending the stairs lost in her thoughts.

She had just closed the door when she heard Aditya groaning in pain

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She had just closed the door when she heard Aditya groaning in pain.

When she woke up this morning it was already six'o clock. Her body was hurting too from sleeping on the floor. Her eyes were tried from crying much last night but she just brushed it off. She knows her life can be no better now.

But what she didn't know was Aditya was also sleeping on the floor near the closet door like he was waiting for her the whole night.

She heart pained seeing him like that but when she was just a mere second away from waking up, she stopped herself.

It was his mistake that they had slept on the floor. Only if he let her sleep on the couch. Don't know even if he was fooling her again. Maybe he slept on the bed but shifted here just sometime ago for her to feel bad about it.

Nandini's eyes fell on her newly wedded bahu. She thinned her lips in dismay when she found her lost in her thoughts.

She came towards her and said "Abhi tak neend nhi khuli tumhari!"

Kiara got startled hearing her voice. She didn't see her coming.

Scolding herself in mind, Kaira touched her Sasuma's feet in respect and wished her good morning.

"Sada sunhagan raho." Nandini blessed her.

Kiara face blanked by her blessing. She is the one touching her feet and she is giving Aditya with a long life. How fair of her, no?

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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