Chapter 2

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Kiara was surrounded by darkness.

The goons after kidnapping her took her to a old warehouse far away from the wedding place.

Kiara stirred at her place. Her head was aching badly like someone was piercing needles in it. On top of that her body is sore like she is sitting for hours at a same place without moving.

She was trying to remember what happened when suddenly all memories came flooding to her.

With a jerk she opened her eyes and saw that she was tied in a chair in a dusty room.

Its like a storeroom with a single dim lighted bulb in a corner.

She couldn't believe that someone kidnapped her. She never talked rudely to someone and she doesn't had a single enemy in her lifetime.

Her chain of thoughts got broke when she heard footsteps coming closer to the room.

Kiara closed her eyes and pretended to be still unconscious.

Two goons reached near her and saw her face.

"She is still unconscious. How much sedative did you used rascal?" said the goon

"Hey don't shout at me. Its not my fault. Leave it and look at her body all curvy just like it made for us.." another goon was giving her body a lustful gaze.

She shuddered in disgust listening to his words and her palms got sweaty with fear. But she controlled herself for she cannot show them that she has gained her senses.

He forwarded his hand to touch her body but before he can do that the first goon stopped him and warned him "You know what Boss will do to you if he finds out that you touched her. He has strictly told us to not cross our lines. If you want to be alive leave her and lets go out of here."

The other goon shivered in fear when he remembered what his boss told them and if they they do anything like that then the boss will not think twice before shooting him between his eyes.

"Yeah you are right. Lets get out of here." saying this they left the room.

Kiara was in daze she is getting more scared sitting there.

One thing is clear that she is not safe with these people. They can do anything with her. She have to get out of here at any cost.

She started looking here and there for anything that could help her to get rid of these ropes tying her to the damn chair.

She finally found a wooden block with a sharp nail in it on left side of her that can used to cut these ropes.

With much difficulty she reached the nail but in the process she hurt herself.

Hastily she freed herself from the ropes.

Putting the ropes aside she tip toed out of the room when she heard laughter coming from another room. She concluded that they are the people behind her kidnapping.

She thought to run from here but its not possible to go far away from these goons.

Thoughts of her parents and their worried faces were revolving in her mind. She have to get a plan to escape.

Kiara checked some rooms and finally found a back door. An idea pop up in her mind and she opened the door, tore a piece of her saree and stuck in the handle of the door. At last she lift a old vase placed there and threw it on the floor making a loud noise and hide in a dark corner away from the back door.

Listening to the voice, the goons became alert and sprinted off to check on her. But found out that she was missing from her place.

"Here the back door is open. She surely escaped from here." a goon shouted from the backdoor to them.

Winning her SoulOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant