Chapter 3

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Please let me go...


Kiara jerked from her nightmare gasping for air.

Sweat was trickling down her temples.

She took a breath of relief when she run her eyes on her surrounding. She was safe and sound in her room.

She saw her left hand bandaged then all the things came crushing her in her mind from the wedding to kidnapping to the man.

Kiara got startled when the room door got opened.

Her mother came for checking on her.

Seeing her mother Kiara couldn't control her tears. And she hugged her mother crying like a baby. Of course she was a baby for her mother and will always be.

Rupali too couldn't control her tears. It was not a small thing for her. Her daughter got kidnapped for god knows why.

Kiara never cried in front of her parents. She thinks crying before her parents would make them weak and she can't see herself as their weakness. But today she cannot think about that.

She was thanking god for sending her back to her parents.

“Mum..Mumma they were very bad...”

Kiara was complaining about the goons to her mother and Rupali was consoling her.

“Shhh beta. Everything is fine. Look your Mumma is with you na. Shhh stop crying my baccha.”

After a time her sobs got quiet, and she drifted into sleep again.

Rupali laid her down on bed and covered her with quilt.

“You are safe my baby.” kissing her forehead she left her room.


In living room Anupam (Kiara's father) and Aditya were waiting for Rupali.

When they saw her descending down stairs they stood up to know the condition of Kiara.

“How is she?”

“Is she okay?”

Both Aditya and Anupam asked her are same time. They both looked at each other.

Anupam can't point out why is Aditya so concerned about daughter. He know that he saved her but what about the emotions he is seeing in his eyes for his daughter.

“She is still traumatised.”

Tears spilled out her eyes. She came to her husband and said “She was crying Anupam. I cannot see my daughter like that.”

Anupam understood that the matter is serious. Her daughter doesn't cry for small things.

“Its understandable Aunty. Give her some time. She will get fine.”

Rupali looked at him and said “Thank you so much beta. We don't know how to express what you did for us. Thank you. Thank you so much.”

“Its okay Aunty. I can understand. I…I should take my leave now. Take care.”

“Beta wait. At least have lunch with us.”

“Thank you Aunty. But my sister is waiting for me. So Bye.” smiling at her he left for the resort where him and his sister were staying for wedding.

“He is such a gem. Right Anupam?”


“I should make lunch now.”



Aditya was sitting at couch inside his room restlessly. He wanted to see Kiara. If she was fine or not?

But how can he say this to her parents. They would had find it weird.

“Bhai where are you lost?” Diya his sister screamed in his ear.

When she entered in his room she saw her brother lost in his la la land. Smiling like satan she got an idea and screamed in his ears.

Aditya got startled by her scream. He turned around and saw his sister smiling evilly at him.

“You……” saying this he ran behind her all around his room.

The room got filled with their laughter. Diya was like his child to him. She means world to him and its also same to her.

Soon she got tired by running and stood with hands on her knees panting.

“Okay… Okay. I am tired. Time please.” saying this she sat down on the bed.

Aditya also came and sat beside her.

“Now tell me in whom girl dreamland you were lost.”

Aditya's eyes got widened at her comment and he snapped his head towards her.

Diya just shrugged at his reaction. She knew her brother more than himself.

Chuckling at her he shook her head and said “Your Bhabhi.”

Now this time Diya's eyes got widened and she snapped her head towards him.

“What!? Really? OMG OMG. You found my Bhabhi. OMG OMG.”

Diya start jumping all around room. She cannot believe after so many years his brother at last found her bhabhi. Today her happiness has no bound.

Aditya laughed at her reaction and why not she always wanted a female person in their home to take her side when her brothers pull her leg. Of course her mother was their with them but she doesn't take her side always. She wants a permanent partner in crime. And her bhabhi is going to be there with her always.

Diya stopped abruptly and came towards Aditya.

“Whats her name?” she asked him with a full blown smile.

“Na. Thats a surprise. You have to wait a little.”

“Oh come on Bhai. Please tell me na. Please Please Please...” Diya begged at front of her brother.

“No No. I know you. If I told you her name then it's gonna spread like a flu. I am not gonna tell you.”

Stopping her foot she said

“Ok fine. Do what you want to do.”

Saying this she left from there.

Aditya chuckled and shook his head at his sister's childish behaviour.

“She never gonna be grown up.”


It took some days for Kiara to get that day out of her brain.

But she is now back on her tracks.

It was not easy for her to forget all those things. Many times she could not sleep at nights. Nightmares world haunt her. But at last she came out of all these.

Like always in evening she came back from hospital.

“Mumma I am home.” saying this she plopped on couch of living room and closed her eyes.

Her parents came into living area and sat in front of her.

When Kiara opened her eyes she got startled by seeing her parents in front her suddenly.

Their faces were nervous its like they wanted to say something to her but are scared of her reaction.

Kiara raised her one eyebrow like asking what happened.

Anupam said

“There is a marriage proposal for you.”

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