As we dream . . .

Start from the beginning

It was the last lesson of the day and they continued walking along the corridor, not actually together, but somewhere near each other. Outside the gates, they found themselves in much the same position as they walked away from the school.

Henrietta moved slightly closer and asked quietly, "Would you tell me about it?"
Jaydon had been asked numerous times (mainly by his parents and teachers) what he dreamed about. He never answered truthfully; instead, he'd say something like: "Nothing in particular, just my thoughts bouncing all over the place", or he'd make up something banal and trivial.

Whereas, for many years now, Jaydon's daydreams were almost always fantasy stories.

He responded this time by telling the girl that he was wondering whether the Romans had used something like chalkboards. He saw that she was amused - she clearly didn't believe him.

They were walking together now, far enough away from the school to ease any concerns for the young man.

Chapter 3: an admission

Jaydon was a reasonably popular boy at school. He was fairly average academically, but he was surprisingly good at some sports, despite being slender and lightweight. He was a quick mover, always well-balanced, and he had good ball sense.

He copped some teasing for being skinny and dreamy, but he took it in good spirit so it didn't become nasty.

"Sometimes when I daydream, I make up fantasy stories," he suddenly conceded surprising himself.

Henrietta smiled at him invitingly.

"Henrietta, please don't tell other people I do that."

"Of course, I won't. Of course not."

Jaydon was feeling cornered, he wasn't sure what to do. He had never before told anybody the truth about his daydreaming - why had he suddenly told this strange girl?

They walked in silence for a while.

"Would you tell me some of your stories?"

"Oh, I don't know. They're pretty silly really."


So he told her the one about the woman sharpshooter.

"That's clever, Jaydon."

Abruptly they stopped, wondering where they were. They had wandered down the wrong street. Laughing and pointing, Jaydon said, "You live over that way somewhere, don't you?"

Grinning, she nodded.

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

"Tell me some more stories, Jaydon."

It was a week later and Jaydon was coming out of the school gate when he noticed Henrietta walking slowly towards the wrong street again. It was clearly an invitation, and feeling rather amused, he took it up and walked off unhurriedly after her.

Out of sight of the school, she waited for him. "More stories, please," she asked giving him her sweet smile.

Chapter 4: dating

The 'wrong way' walks happened twice more before Jaydon asked her out to the movies.

That was a pleasant night with a prim kiss goodnight. The second date was the same.

Jaydon was feeling attracted to Henrietta even though she seemed to be a bit of a 'nun'. And he was suffering pangs of guilt because it was obvious that Henrietta was aware that he was embarrassed to be seen with her.

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