Mini Chapter: An Unexpected Summon

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It was another normal morning in Chaldea the servants were doing their everday tasks as usual in the very confines of this advance structure. As the servants were doing their normal responsibilities we can see that the two masters/summoners are making their way to the summoning room and the two of them entered the summoning facility Fujimaru Ritsuka one of the two masters in Chaldea notice something strange when he entered his pockets that was empty.

Ritsuka: heyyy sis i think i forgot something.

Gudako: Oh my goodness don't tell me.

Ritsuka: yeah i forgot to bring our saint quartz when we were heading here in this location sis sorry my bad.

Gudako: (she sighs very long) so bro what do we do now.

Ritsuka: don't worry sis im just going to go back in our rooms and retrieve our saint quartz its no big deal.

Gudako: ohhhhh okay bro but are going to make it back here in time for our summoning spree.

Ritsuka: no worry sis i'll be back here in a jiffy just give me 15-20 mins and i'll return back here in the summoning room momentarily before you can even say "umu".

Gudako: okay bro good luck.

Ritsuka: thanks sis

As the one of the two masters was returning back to their respective and personal rooms the 2nd master entered the summong room and the doors to the summoning automatically opened revealing none other than Aurelion Sol The Star Forger the new servant that the twin masters/summoners summoned many months ago from another universe they were still suprized that they were able to summon a celestial draconic entity who created and forge the celestial bodies and wonders of the universe that he resides in.

As the female summoner/master was making her way to the summoning construct he was been noticed by Aurelion Sol himself floating in midair and he gradually approached the female summoner and started interacting with her in the very location where she is standing and he said.

Aurelion Sol: ahhhh summoner its a its pleasure to meet you this lovely morning.

Gudako: good morning to you as well Sir. Aurelion you seem happy today is there any particular reason?

Aurelion Sol: well summoner if you must know the servant of the bow (Emiya) he said to me personally the other day that he will prepare a new dish or cuisine for me try out so i can give my own personal feedback whether or not the dish that he made will be suitable to all of the servants in Chaldea and some of the servants that will be accompanying me in this cuisine grandeur will be Artoria Pendragon the wielder of the divine construct "Excalibur" and Ms. Miyamoto Musashi the worlds renowned strongest swordsman in Japan.

Gudako: ohhhhh well thats good Mr. Aurelion.

Aurelion Sol: hehehe it is indeed summoner/master and also summoner can you tell me where is the male summoner/master that always accompanying you in this specific facility whenever the two of you wants to summon another bunch of servants.

Gudako: ohhhhh well as you can see Mr. Aurelion after we made it here in the summoning room my forgetful brother forgot to bring our saint quartz this very specific morning.

Aurelion Sol: hmm that is very unfortunate for the two of you summoners/masters but either way his going to arrived here momentarily right.

Gudako: yes Mr. Aurelion my brother is going to return here once he retrieved our saint quartz from our respective rooms.

Aurelion Sol: very well summoner/master and tell me do you require any of my assistance this morning.

Gudako: nothing in particular this morning Sir. Aurelion.

Aurelion Sol Got Summoned In ChaldeaWhere stories live. Discover now