"Where is Murtasim? Call him inside I want to talk with him", Meerab requested and looked for her mobile phone and picked it up to call Murtasim if he is not here. She somewhere guessed that he is not here otherwise Murtasim can never leave her alone.

"He is not here and will not come back also. We are going Karachi", Wakas said

"Only you both not me and Murtasim ", Meerab replied clearly stating that she is not ready to live with them. Why should she when her husband is there for her? Already they never get a moment to talk and hence she wants to stay with him for 9 months at least. Rest she leaves on destiny whether she wants to live with his family or with him alone. Karachi is not an option because she thinks that she doesn't have any value there.

"Why? Want to stay with the guy who can force his rights on you? Who can throw you out of his life whenever he wants or with that guy who is in love with his cousin?", Wakas asked angrily stating the truth which he thinks is right not knowing the back story.

Every coin has two sides and just like that, every situation has two sides. Wakad saw everything from Meerab's perspective not thinking about Murtasim who was equally hurt from the beginning. For Wakas his daughter is the one who suffered and was misunderstood.

"I forgave you that doesn't mean you will poke your nose in our personal matter and to clear your misunderstanding he didn't force any right on me. He came back to take me before ma begum and he loves me not Haya. Call him here and stop hallucinating", Meerab said angrily looking away in disgust. How can someone point a finger at her husband? How can he misunderstand him and send him away? Didn't he use his rights on his wife as well? Then why her husband has to leave her?

One hour later Murtasim came and entered the room to see Meerab using her mobile phone and sitting quietly. He thought she must be talking with her parents but her silence confused him. He walked towards her and noticed Wakas and Aneela leaving the room. He danced mentally as he wanted them to leave the room but thought this can never happen

"Meerab are you fine?", Murtasim asked softly and sat beside her. He is very happy that Meerab called him here and wants to hug her tightly but for now, he is scared to take any step which would look like he is using his rights and making her feel uncomfortable.

"Where the hell were you? Were you enjoying with your cousin Haya ", Meerab asked angrily looking aside angrily as if she pushed him he will fall and might think that she doesn't want him beside her. Whereas the truth is the opposite, she wants him beside her and wants him to pamper her like he always did whenever she taunted him using Haya's name

"Yes, in dreams because I was sleeping. Can't I sleep even?", Murtasim asked and looked at the ground when Meerab glared at him sharply shutting his mouth to talk further without thinking twice

"Why did you leave me? And if he misunderstood you why you didn't clear his misunderstanding ", Meerab asked angrily holding his collar and pulling him towards her. Murtasim looked at her hands and then at her eyes which are fierce like before. They are exactly same the way he liked and her intense gaze is making him lose control over himself.

He wants to touch her with right and wants to romance with her whenever he wants but he can't because of her contract. Her eyes also scream the same level of love, passion and possessiveness for him but till she doesn't speak her heart, he can't go further. His hands moved towards her hands and he traced his fingers on her arms seductively getting lost in her beautiful eyes. Her soft arms also felt so beautiful.

Why can't he lead a happy life like normal couples? What was his fault? He was also forced into this marriage and he tried compromising even but no use. He is a man with desires. Is it a sin to desire for his wife?

"Murtasim answer me", Meerab asked looking into his eyes and then looking at her hands which are held by his. Murtasim is tracing his fingers on her arms which is now affecting her, to her surprise her body is equally responding to his touch and she is loving his touch

"I... I felt that y...you felt uncomfortable and regret everything and I forced myself...", Murtasim said but was interrupted by Meerab

"No, you didn't. I can never feel uncomfortable around you. And you can't leave me like this", Meerab complained and looked away showing her anger. Murtasim smiled knowing her face was angry and held both of her hands in his hand and brought them towards his lips. His lips are urging him to show his love but his heart is now doubtful regarding her feelings. He smiled looking at her face, she looks very beautiful in a frown.

"Can I kiss your hands ?", Murtasim asked, his hands trembling and heartbeat raised fearing rejection and her anger just like always she says that he doesn't have any right to her. He doesn't know how he got the courage and now he is craving to touch his wife again and feel everything again that he felt that night. That night was very beautiful for him but because of her thoughts and her regret that night, he regrets losing himself too.

"Why are you asking now? We already crossed the boundaries", Meerab said and looked down again feeling embarrassed all of a sudden for that night. How can she explain her behaviour? And why he is asking now? Already he have touched her and marked her his then why this question now? She is his wife and he can touch her whenever he wants now.

"Yes, but that was not meant to happen like that right? And I'm asking because I want to know if you consider me as your husband now or not. Please with your heart. Do you feel uncomfortable around me or not and do you regret that night? If you do then I'm...", Murtasim said and was about to apologise again but Meerab stopped him. Everything is indeed complicated but one thing is clear she feels comfortable around him. She feels secure with him and he is her protector, a handsome and sweet protector who loves her.

"Don't apologise and listen. Yes, that was not meant to happen but we can't change anything Murtasim. We need to accept the fact that we are going to be parents now and have to behave accordingly. I consider you as my husband from my heart and that's also the reason I came back with ma begum. I never felt uncomfortable around you. I don't know the reason but your presence makes me feel secure. Regarding regretting that night or not so I don't have any answer", Meerab answered honestly looking straight into his eyes. Murtasim smiled and his heart filled with joy hearing her as she openly admitted that she consider him her husband and feels safe around him. This looked like an indirect confession from her side that she also love him. He giggled thinking about his stupid thoughts and finally kissed her knuckles

He closed his eyes and let his lips linger on her knuckles for some time and then looked at her who was looking at him. The first thing he noticed was her blush and he felt so proud that he can make this stubborn girl blush as well.

"Yeh Dekho. You are blushing", Murtasim said showing the front camera to her. Meerab noticed her cheeks and looked away, she tried to hide her smile but the more Murtasim leaned towards her, the more she blushed

"Stop dreaming", she snapped at him but her voice again

"Considering me as your husband means that I can touch you whenever I want think before agreeing. Also, promise me you will never leave me. We will never leave eachother side", Murtasim asked and moved his hand towards her face softly. He touched her cheeks from the back of his fingers and then moved his hand towards her hair and tucked her hair strand behind her ear. He looked into her eyes to find any discomfort and found none, instead, Meerab looked away with a blush which made him smile more. Finally, she is accepting him as her husband.

"Murtasim f... first listen to me. Me and Rohail have nothing to do with eachother ", Meerab replied ruining his mood and he took his hand back in disappointment. Was the mention of Rohail's name important? Especially when he is asking about her choices and her consent

I wrote this chapter in a hurry to give you an early update so do tell me if there is any typing mistake ❤️
How's the chapter?

Finally, they are trying to understand eachother 😆

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