First Dance

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A/N-drawing was done by one of my friends then I colored it J
Trigger Warnings- Swearing


Where we left off‐
He sighs and strokes Alex’s chin again before looking at Angel. "Just this once, darlin’~ "Val pauses for a moment. "And because you’re an exception~"He gives Alex the most innocent smile, his tone of voice almost sounding like he actually cares for Alex. "Are you gonna help Daddy out, Kitten?"

"Yes, daddy.' Alex said knowing he didn't have a choice.

A smile grows on his lips. He caresses Alex’s cheek, his touch actually seeming pretty soft and tender, as he looks him in the eyes. "You’re a good boy, kitten~" He strokes Alex’s cheek one more time. He then looks at Angel, before saying "Angel, kitten, go get my boy some clothes. Make sure they fit too.I want him back in 2 hours." He strokes Alex’s hair once more as Angel leaves the room. He looks at Alex with a kind smile. Val pushed Alex towards the door to follow Angel dust. He gives Alex a soft smile. He then gives him a quick pat on the head. "Good boy, kitten~ Go get dressed~" He then watches as Alex walks out of the room, before turning to Angel, a slight grin forming on his lips. "My boy’s gonna be such a good dancer~" He pauses for a moment. And then, he speaks in a tone that sounds a bit… creepier. And, his tone switches to one that is more deep and low. "He’s gonna be my favorite~"

The small femboy cat demon looked at the spider. "Umm, I'm alex." He introduced. "So Val wants me to dance with you?"

"Yeah yeah, hes a prick. Fine, fine, I'll teach you to pole dance for a little money... You have any cash on ya, kid?" Angel said.

"No, I just died." Alex said fidgeting.

"Oh, so he sent ya to me to be dressin' up in a skimpy outfit for him, huh? Heh... what a pervert that guy is... fine, fine, I'll do it, I'll train you up real nice. Here, put this on, maybe you won't look like such a damn slob while we train. He handed Alex what appeared to be a skimpy female dress.

"Change right here?" He asked fidgeting.

Angel gives a quick nod, gesturing for the smaller demon to just get to it and change into the outfit. Alex sighed stripping off his clothes in his chest binder and boxers. "Um would Valentino want my chest binder off?" He asked fidgeting again. 

Angel gives a quick nod again, grinning with that sly smile of his. "Of course, it'll definitely make the moves a whole lot easier, kid, hehe~." He sighed, pulling off the binder and adjusting the dress, his chest was immediately not as flat as before, feminine chest.

Angel gives off a wolf whistle, checking the kid out "Hooo boy! Now THAT is gonna drive that Val jerk nuts~..."

"Yeah, I'm not surprised, he's an incredibly perverted prick. But I don't get why ya don't like your chest, I think it's mighty cute~! Just the way I like it, hehe~."

"Well I'm a trans guy, so I'd prefer my chest to be flat." Alex looked down at Angel's chest "Are you not a trans guy, it's just you got titties. Or is it just from your fur."

"Oh, so you actually aren't one of those weird demon dudes? That's a shame that you were sent to me for a pole dancing lesson then, you definitely look the part of a female with those curves. What are the chances, haha..." Angel looks his own chest up and down "Heh, yeah, I'm a spider type of demon so I'm fluffy." 

"Shouldn't we get started, so Valentino doesn't get pissed off?" He asked.

"Fine, fine, let's get this show on the road." Angel moves to the nearby pole, grabbing a hold of it and stretching up and down to the top, his boobs bouncing along the way "So! First you wanna learn all the different ways to mount the pole..." Alex mimicked. Angels movement somewhat nervously and hesitantly.

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