Slight Mental Breakdown lol

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Where we left off-
He chuckles, his expression turning more romantic and loving as he pets Alex’s hair In a much more passionate tone "That’s such a good kitten…" In a louder, demanding tone "And in an even better princess…" In a sweet and seductive tone "Tell me again" He looks at Alex, waiting for him to do what he was told and say the line again.

He huffed obviously annoyed “Daddy, your Princess is so lucky to be yours and belong to you." He repeated.

He smirks. In a soft and loving tone "That’s much better, kitten…" In a much more soft, gentle tone "And now…" In a romantic tone "My little Princess is going to get his present~" He strokes Alex’s hair gently. In a much slower and sedulous tone "Your daddy…" In a slightly more seductive tone "Will take good…" His expression shifts back into a loving one. In a much kinder tone "care of you, kitten~" Alex yelped as Valentino picked him up and dropped him on the bed, the red dress he was wearing bellowed around him. 'Oh, shit' He thought, tears filling his eyes.

He chuckles as Alex lands on the bed. In a gentle tone he says. "Shh, kitten~ It’s okay." He climbs onto the bed beside Alex. He pulls Alex close to himself, stroking his hair gently. In a soft voice, he says. "It’s okay, kitten... Daddy's just gonna give you your present." His expression turns more seductive again. In a much more sensual tone "Just be a good boy and it'll be ok…"

"You don't have to give me a present it's ok." He whimpered clearly scared.

He places a gentle finger against Alex’s lips. In a soft and romantic tone he says. "Shhh…" He looks Alex dead in the eyes, his expression growing more intimate. In a much slower, more seductive tone, he says. "It's going to be ok~ But your Daddy…" In a much more passionate tone, he speaks. "Daddy really wants to give you a present."

"Daddy I really dont need a gift." Alex said trying to get out of what her thought was coming. "Please Daddy. Could we just cuddle, please nothing farther?" He yelped at the red smoke from their deal, that forced the cat demons wrists down.

He places his finger right under Alex’s chin, holding his head still. In a seductive tone "No." In a much more demanding tone he says. "That’s not how the deal works, kitten…" In a soft tone, he speaks. "So just relax and let Daddy take care of you…" He looks at Alex, waiting for him to relax and give up to their deal.

"What- what- what's the smoke? I didn't break the deal?!" He whimpered trying to pull against the magic.

Valentino chuckles, his eyes flashing with amusement. In a much more soft, gentle tone, he says. "The smoke is nothing to worry about, kitten~ It’s just reminding you of our deal." In a much more controlling and demanding tone he says. "So relax and enjoy yourself." He seems to force the smoke to dissipate. In a much more romantic tone, he says. "Come on, kitten, just let your Daddy take care of you."

Alex tried to move away from the smoke but it held him in place. He seemed to give up. "Yes daddy." He said, his struggling stopping.

His expression shifts to a much more caring one, his tone becomes much more soft and gentle. In a sweet tone he says. "Good boy." He strokes Alex’s hair, his fingers moving down to his face. In a much more romantic, almost seditious tone. "My little Prince, you are so lucky to have such a loving Daddy~" He gives Alex a cheeky wink. In a slightly more sensuous tone he says. "And you'll get the best present for being such good boy."

Yes im very lucky" He said trying to suck up to him to make it easier on himself.

In a much more seductive tone. "That’s my Prince~" In a soft and loving tone, he says. "Now, your Daddy wants to give you your present for being such a good boy." He pauses for a moment as he looks at Alex, waiting for him to acknowledge or nod his head. Alex wanted to say no thank you but the red smoke covered his mouth. So he nodded his head yes.

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