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Trigger Warning- swearing,  physical abuse


Where we left off-
Valentino tugs on the boy’s hair. "Oh, kitten~… you don’t get a say in things~" Smirks, moving the boy over on his lap. "Now, time to show Daddy what a good little kitten you can be~ sit still for me, kitten.~"

He pulled against Val. "No stop it let me go!"

Valentino tugs on Alex’s hair once again. "Oh, kitten, I told you, you can’t say no to me.~ And now you’re being a bad boy.~" He strokes the boy’s chin once more "It’s time for your punishment, kitten~…" He takes a drag of his cigarette, the smoke billowing out toward Alex.

Alex's cat like body went rigid in fear trying not to let tears fall from his face, he whimpered.

He smiles, seeing the boy’s fear. "That’s it, kitten, show me those sweet, innocent tears~" Then, without warning, Valentino tugs hard on Alex’s hair, pulling him closer and kissing him on the lips, grabbing the back of Alex’s head to keep him from pulling away.

Alex bit him hard, trying to pull away, he spat the blue black blood out of his mouth with a snarl.

He pulls away, smirking. "Oh, kitten, you shouldn’t have done that~ No-one bites Daddy.~" He tugs on Alex’s hair more. "I’d like to see you try to do it again~… but you can’t… not without punishment, that is~!" He takes the cigarette out of his mouth and taps Alex on the nose with the glowing end of it, leaving it to burn the boy’s skin. Then, he tugs once again on Alex’s hair.

He yelped at the burn tears falling own his freckled face. He kicked at him, "Stop it! That hurts! Let me go!"

He chuckles, stroking the boy’s chin once again. "Oh sweetie, it hurts, doesn’t it~?" He smiles as he sees the boy in pain, laughing softly at him. "Then maybe you should have behaved yourself… instead of biting the hand that feeds you.~" He pauses and then chuckles again, amused. "Or in this case, the hand that feeds you and hurts you~ There’s no escape, kitten~" He smirks, petting the boy’s hair.

"No no no Stop ill be good." Alex rambled. "Please I'll be good I promise. Pretty please, I won't try and run."

Hearing the boy beg for him to stop makes an amused chuckle escape his lips. "Oh, kitten~… You can’t promise what you won’t do~ I know you’ll do more bad things~" Valentino tugs on Alex’s hair harder and harder, clearly not planning on letting up. He giggles at the boy’s screams as the boy’s tears fall across his cheeks.

"No I do! I promise, you run a club right?! That's what this is? I was a waitress when I was alive put me to work just don't hurt me pretty please?"

Val pauses for a moment. That catches his attention. "I run a porn studio, sweetheart~ not a club. You wanna work for me?~" His smirk turns into a devilish grin. "Alright, kitten, you have a deal~ But if I see you try anything that you shouldn’t… That’s when the punishment will be far worse than just hair tugging~"

The boy froze. "Wait what?! A porn studio? No no no please never mind I take it back." Alex whimpered.

Valentino continues to tug on the poor boy’s hair, his grin only growing larger and larger. "Nope, kitten~ I already heard what you agreed to, there’s no taking it back. Don’t worry~ If you work hard and be a good kitten, I’ll give you the life of a king~" A grin spreads across his face yet again. "Or, of course, you could refuse to work for me.~ But that would be a very bad decision~…"

"Please please no I can't do this again." He pleaded, the word again wasn't lost on Valentino’s ears.

"Again~! You said the word again~" He tugs on Alex’s hair even harder, making him scream out in pain. "Tell me, kitten~ what did you do to get “this” before~?~" His expression changes once more to one of pure delight and amusement.

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