Sticks and Stones

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A/N- Alex's beta design ⤴️
TW- physical abuse, swearing


Where we left off-
Alex blushed at Angel's eyes on him but focused on his dancing. Their performance was going swimmingly, the two working in sync as they danced and spun around the pole. Angel would occasionally look across the room to Val, seeing the other demon with a sly smirk on his face, watching with great interest the boy's performance. Alex sighed in relief when they were done. Following Angle out of sight of the audience, he flicked his tail out as the stepped backstage.

Angel walks with Alex a bit away from the stage, his tail swaying back and forth as he spoke. He was still wearing his dancing outfit, which was a very form-fitting female dress with a revealing top "Well, kiddo... The crowd seemed to love ya..." His ears flicked back and forth. "I must say, you danced real good~..."

Alex waved goodbye as he stepped up to the booth, Valentino was still in, a great view of the stage he was just on.

After his dance with Angel Dust he made his way up to the booth where Val had watched him dance. He knocked "It Alex"

Val looks up, a slight smile on his face. He gestures for Alex to have a seat next to him. "Come, come, kitten~ You can sit next to Daddy." His tone is much different from before and actually sounds genuine and caring now. Alex sat down he was still in his red skimpy outfit he danced in, not fond of the way his chest looked without his chest binder on, how he looked with his feminine frame.

Val looks him up and down. His expression changes to one that seems pleased, especially towards his outfit. The small smile grows larger on his lips as he looks him up and down one more time. "Your outfit looks quite lovely, kitten~" He pats his thigh, gesturing for him to sit closer.

He chuckles, a slight twinge of amusement in his voice. He pulls Alex a little closer, bringing his hand up to his cheek, caressing it gently. "You gotta get used to it, kitten~" He pats Alex's thigh once more. "Come, come~ Sit closer~" He strokes Alex's cheek. He pauses for a moment, his voice growing more soft and tender as he looks at Alex. "Would you want to sit on Daddy's lap~?"

He shook his head. "Why can't I stay where I am?" Alex asked from his side of the couch.

Valentino sighs. "Because I want you to be closer to me.~" He leans forward, staring at him. "Why don't you want to sit on Daddy's lap~?" He says it in a tone that seems both curious and sweet, as if he genuinely wants to know why.

Alex was reminded of the 4 different cigarette burns on his face and arms. "I don't know," he lied.

"Do I scare you, kitten~?" Val asks in a rather sweet and genuine tone. "It's okay if I do." He pauses for a moment and then asks "But, you didn't seem scared when you were with Angel, did you?~" He says it in a tone that sounds almost like... jealousy. His mood changes to one that's slightly darker. His eyes narrow and he stares at Alex with more intensity.

"I like Angel" He mumbled "he's nice to me"

"Angel is nice to you, huh?" Valentino's jaw stiffens. He leans forward. *He stares at Alex. His expression grows darker and darker, one of his eyebrows raising. In a much deeper tone he says "You think Angel's nicer than Daddy?"

Alex flinched at the tone, sensing he was in deep shit he lied "No daddy"

He takes a moment to compose himself. "Good boy, kitten~" He strokes Alex's hair once more before turning his focus to his clothes. In a more soft and gentle tone he says. "And you don't mind what you're wearing? I mean, you're dressed kind of like a girl right now...~" He pauses and looks Alex up and down again. "You're not gay for Angel, are you?"

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