Chapter 13: Crowley's Words

Start from the beginning

You were still confused over why an angel would chose you in the first place, let alone bring you to the States and dump you where they had, on the side of that Kansas highway. Perhaps you should be grateful that they had left you close enough to the roadside so that you had been found and taken to the hospital. Or grateful that your family and friends were protected against the thing that had done this to you in the first place.

No... The person you were truely grateful to, was sitting right beside you. Dean.

"We have to leave again tomorrow..." Dean broke the silence between you. His arm was still wrapped around your shoulders. "First thing, with Crowley."

You nodded your head. The theme of the night had not been all about you after all. Crowley was there to help Sam and Dean find the First Blade. You had merely been a curiosity to the demon. Something to pass the time away on.

"Are you sure that Magnus has the First blade?" Your voice coming across horse after your previous outburst. "What if Sam's right and it's a double cross?"

"Only one way to find out... I need the First Blade..." Dean began.

But you cut him off. "You're hit list... I know."

"You're the only one calling it that... But yeah... My hit list." Dean chuckled. He moved the arm that was draped over your shoulders as he readied himself to stand back up to leave. "I'll see you when we get back... You should try and get some sleep."

With that, Dean stood up and walked to the door.

"So should you..." You called out, just loud enough for him to hear you. "Good luck Dean... I hope you find it... And..."

"Drive safe..." Dean winked at you.

"Yeah." You confirmed to him as he closed your bedroom door and walked out into the bunkers corridor.


After Dean had left your room, you moved to your bed to try and get some sleep as he had suggested. But sleep wouldn't come and you tossed and turned for a few hours more, thinking over what Crowley had told you, and worrying about Sam and Dean. The last time you had checked the time on your phone it was just after 3am. Sometime after that, you finally fell asleep.

You woke up the next morning to a quiet, empty bunker. There were no text messages from either Winchester, so you had no idea for certain if Sam and Dean had indeed left. While the two men were nowhere in sight, there was a slight chance that they could be in room 7B, but you had no way of knowing, having promised them that you would stay out of there.

Their rooms were empty, and their doors open. The only clear way to tell, that you could think of was to look for Baby. And so, moving on from checking Sam's room, you moved through the long corridor and into the war room. Walking straight over to the curved staircase and climbing up the metal steps to reach the large metal door. Peeking your head outside, there was no car in sight.

To be certain, you then walked back down the curved stairs and headed for the garage. While there were plenty of other vehicles parked, there was no sleek black Impala.

Sam and Dean had most definitely left before you had awoken. And once again you were left alone to your own devices. Still worrying about your two friends and overthinking Crowley's words.

You went to the mess room to make yourself some breakfast, cleaning up as soon as you were done. Then you made yourself a second cup of coffee, the first one with breakfast not being enough, and moved to the library with your laptop. You put away all the books on angels you had been using previously and sat only with your case file open and laptop in front of you.

 Abducted: Part One (SPN | Dean x Reader | Slow Burn)Where stories live. Discover now