Intrigue and Defiance

Start from the beginning

"Alright," Bilius yawned again, and the pair of them disapparated off to their first house.

Remus wandered what seemed like forever, his knees were smarting by the time he stopped. He was standing outside brown stone building with colorful posters in the windows. It was on a corner, and from where Remus stood at the intersection, one could see the colorful signs going off both to the left and right. He hesitated, then took the first couple steps up to the front door.

A couple muggle girls pushed by him, barely pausing even as the door nearly knocked him over. For some reason, Remus apologized to them, even though they'd been the ones to practically bowl him over, but they didn't seem to take notice. He timidly stepped 'round the door and into the corridor beyond, eyes roaming over the walls. There were long bulletin boards that limed the walls, and every board was positively covered with posters and notes, business cards, ripped-out notebook papers... all held up with little plastic things that kept everything pegged in place. 

Remus paused to look at some of the interesting sheets that lined the walls, and he was amazed by some of the really cool works of art people had just.... left .... in the hallway of a school without worrying about their work being damaged or stolen. He stared into the eyes of a portrait someone had drawn with ink and colored only the eyes. They looked like galaxies and Remus was transfixed by the piece for several moments.

"You go here?" a girl's voice at his elbow drew his attention away from the piece he was admiring and he turned to find a girl with a roundish face and hair drawn back into a messy bun standing beside him. She leaned against the bulletin board and he glanced from her back to the galaxy-eyed portrait. 

"Is that you?" he asked.

"Yeah, my boyfriend did it," she said. "I noticed you looking at it." 

"It's really beautiful."

The girl smiled, "Thanks?" she laughed when Remus flushed. "I know you meant the picture."

"I - I mean -" Remus stammered and the girl laughed.

"Are you new here? I've not seen you around."

"I signed up for a summer course," Remus said, "As an elective."

"Oh you must go to one of the Russell Group Unis?"

"Yeah, one of them," Remus answered vaguely.

"Slumming it with us commoners in the High Eds, huh?" 

"You go here, too?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, wouldn't dream of going to any of those fancy type schools. Couldn't ever afford it for one. You must be filthy rich. Don't let any of the girls 'round here know about it. They'll eat a cute boy like you alive for his money."

Remus laughed uncomfortably, "No, I - definitely not rich." He shook his head.

"Oh a charity case, that's cool. Makes you more intriguing. Maybe a bit less obvious. More dangerous. Interesting." She paused. "What's your name?"

"Remus," he answered.

"I'm Lula. Everyone calls me that anyway. I'm actually Stacey or Anastasia but I hate it and my boyfriend calls me Lula."

"Pretty. Both names."

"Ah you're talking about me this time and not the portrait then, huh?" Lula smirked, seeing Remus fidget nervously at that and again she laughed. "It's OK. I'm just teasing you, Remus." she paused. "What kind of name is Remus?"

The Marauders - Order of the Phoenix - Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now