Chapter Eleven: The Messages

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Hugh couldn't fathom how he'd survived the accident. He could hardly see the truck from the position he'd been thrown too, it was a fair distance. Everything, even his finger nails, ached like he'd never felt before.

It'd been four days since the accident, and nothing felt right. Everything was different and felt out of place. He didn't sleep, every time he closed his eyes he felt his body being thrown and hitting the ground. He felt his chest tightening and he'd start heaving.

The worst thing was if he did finally fall asleep, he'd wake up in a cold sweat, his head pounding and heart racing. The dreams were vivid and frightening and it felt as if everything that had happened was happening all over again. The screams were loud and the tyres screeching rang in his ears like a scream.

Why had this happened?
How had he survived?

He looked out of the high rise hospital window, the warm sun peered over the horizon, rising from the night, causing the colours of the sky to dance with the winter clouds. The light touched the buildings, radiating off glass and steel. Hugh's eyes were heavy, the pain medication was fairly heavy equipment and they were making him dizzy.

"Even the city can be beautiful," Hugh croaked, still half asleep, "I didn't realise we were up so high. I can see half of Adelaide."

Ben chuckled, "glad you're still here mate," he said, reaching his arm out to hold his little brothers hand. "Really glad you're alright."

"Praise God, aye? I'm really glad you're alright too." Hugh smiled, taking his brothers hand in a tight grasp before letting it go and reaching for his phone as if it were muscle memory.

"Wait is my phone here?" He asked.

"Yeah," Ben nodded, tapping the bedside table. "Mums locked them away."

"What on earth for?" Hugh questioned, reaching over to the beside table, wincing in pain, a confused look on his face.

"How am I supposed to know? I don't know why she does things. Something about not seeing the news articles, protecting us." Ben explained, turning a page in the book he wasn't really reading.

Hugh pulled his phone from the door, holding down the power button as he slumped back into the bed.
The screen was cracked, but still useable. He sighed, he prided himself in not having a cracked phone. Pat always had a cracked phone, and Dylan always gave him shit for it. He'd be next for sure.

"The least of your worries is a cracked phone mate," Ben chuckled, not turning from his book, "trust me."

"I know," Hugh replied, as the screen came to life. "It's just annoying. First world problems you know?!"

Then the messages came through.
Four days worth of
"Hughie? Are you alright?!"
"Hugh answer your phone!"
"That wasn't you in the accident was it!"
"Where are you?!"
"Why aren't you answering?!"
came flooding in like a tidal wave, making the phone almost vibrate out of his hand.
Rattled, he slammed the phone down onto the bed. He took a deep breath, regulating his breathing, before opening his phone.

His group chat with Pat and Dylan had finally been put to good use, and the messages were still flooding in.

"We can see you're active"
"Give him some space Dylan!"
"But he hasn't spoken to us in days!"
"Probably due to the accident he's just been in you idiot!"

Hugh smiled, and started typing.

H: "Howdy boys"

D: "He surfaces! Hughie mate!"

P: "Morning Hughie!"

H: "when are you boys coming in to see me. Ben and I are at the RAH."

P: "could come down today?"

D: "got some jobs to do this morning, but could get there by lunch time, could that work?"

H: "yeah that'd be fine. I don't know if there are visiting hours or anything."

P: "we don't care we're coming in."

H: "drive safe!"

He could imagine the boys chuckling at the irony in his comment. Maybe this would be funny one day, but right now his head was heavy and all he wanted to do was speak to Kate.

He'd enjoyed spending time with her the day she'd caught up with her parents and the evening leading up to that.

He opened their message thread, and smiled.

" Hughie, I was so worried when I heard it was you and Ben in the accident. It scared me to think how quickly these awful things happen.
I'll wait for your reply patiently, but in the mean time I pray for healing, for rest and for peace. I'm beginning to think they're the main qualities you're bringing to me. I'll be here when you need me, whenever, wherever. God bless you and your smile Hugh Wiemann.
Kate x "

"What are you smiling at?" Ben asked.

"The boys are comin'," Hugh replied, "I'm excited to see them."

"That's not the type of smile you're smiling," Ben was good. "Who is she?"

"I ran into Kate Cook when we went to Adelaide the other weekend. I wasn't expecting to see her that's for sure. It was..." he paused.

It was wonderful.
It was comforting.
It was exciting.

"It was nice. Good to be reunited with an old friend." He said, simply, trying to be as nonchalant as he could.

"Kate Cook, aye?" Ben's eyes had a thousand yard stare, "I forgot to ask how your weekend went."

"Yeah, it went well. Just your average night out really."

It wasn't though.
It was so much more than that.

"You don't need to spare details mate, when have we ever been sparing?" Ben chuckled, he was distant, "I hope it works out."

Was there anything to work out?

"It was interesting. She hasn't seen her parents since before those first lockdowns, so her and Lara came up and caught up with their families. I've never experienced something like that before." Hugh explained.

"Doing the Lord's work there Hughie, good on you for being supportive." Ben sighed, "I'm tired. Might see if I can get a bit more rest."

"No worries."

Hugh returned to his phone screen, the message from Kate still open.

"Kate, praise God for keeping Ben and I alive! You're right, it's astonishing how quickly things can change, but thankfully we're already on the mend.
I'm in the RAH, patiently waiting for you to visit. The boys, Pat and Dylan are coming this afternoon, catch a ride if you like, bring Lara. Looking forward to seeing you, whenever you get here. God Bless you and your smile Kate Cook.
Hugh x"

What he really wanted to say was

"I need you to come. Sit with me, hold my hand, make the nightmares go away. I'm scared Kate, I need you. Please."

But that would be too desperate.
Maybe he was.

So he awaited her reply, as he spoke to his friends, informing them of his plan.
He stared out the window of his hospital room, the world seemed a touch brighter.

Hugh & KateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora