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( no rest for the wicked )

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( no rest for the wicked )


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     THE DAY SAKADI TO BE LET OUT OF HER BRACE AND TAKEN OUT OF THAT GOD-FORSAKEN WHEELCHAIR WAS HER DREAM COME TRUE. Callum had been with her every roll of the way until it became every step of the way. Ethan had decided to come along as well but got called a trusty nurse and ended up staying in the waiting room after giving a kick to her wheelchair.

      Kade stared at her newly freed leg while the doctor spoke to her about her new restrictions and limitations but her guilt was beginning to rise once more.

I'm alive while Quinn and Anika aren't.

It was nauseating to think about.

While Sakadi was focusing on not vomiting her ribs up, Ethan Landry was two floors down, feeling better than ever.

Yes, a serial killer was after his friend group and had already slaughtered two of his friends, so maybe he was a little selfish for grinning as widely as he was while exchanging numbers with the girl in front of him. Nurse Annie, or Annie Parker, sweetly smiled at the curly-haired boy after she had given him her phone number.

      "Call me sometime," she said. "Maybe we could go out when you and your friends aren't... you know, being hunted."

Sakadi was ready to burn the building to the ground when she saw them talking again. There was no source for her anger to be pinpointed. No reasoning behind the stare on the two that could murder in its own way. No cause for the thumping of her index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers to be tapping rhythmically on her right thigh. No cause and no reason for it to exist. But somehow, walking out of the elevator with a new brace on her foot, Sakadi had mentally checked out for the day.

      "It's alive!" Chad declared with arms up getting the group's attention.

      "I live, I breathe, I walk!" Kade internally cringed as soon as the words left her mouth and she could see others do the same. "I'm ready to get my life back," she said once reaching the group.

"Believe me, I am too," Sam agreed when their group began walking out of the hospital.

An idea sprung into Sakadi's mind when her eyes fell to Ethan. "We should go to a party." All eyes fell on her as though she had grown two more heads and declared war on all Greek gods. "What?"

      "You need to be admitted into psychiatric care, Kade," Ethan scoffed with his mouth agape. "You're actually insane."

      Stares were shared after her claim, and for once, she felt self-conscious.

      "Think about it guys," she began as they continued to stroll down the sidewalks of the city. "Group of people, many witnesses if anything were to happen? One night off from all this shit that's happened to us where we can just be normal."

      Callum looked up from his phone and broke his silence, "We're not normal though, Kade." She frowned at his disagreement. "We're being hunted by a serial killer, or serial killers, plural, that followed them from Woodsboro, I don't exactly think parties are the perfect place for us to be."

      Tara had remained silent during the conversation. Her head was spinning on an axis and only Chad seemed to notice as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and added to her silence.

      "Kade, I love you, but now isn't the time for parties," Mindy piped up. Their apartment complex had neared soon on their cautious public stroll and a wave of dread fell upon the group.

      Sakadi's ears flushed. "But guys-"

      "God's sake..." Ethan muttered, "I'll go with you if you shut the hell up." The designer's gilded eyes lit up, the midday Sun encapsulating their color. He hadn't ever seen her look at him like that before. It was nerve-wracking and left an unsettling feeling in his ribs. "Buddy system and all, you're giving me a headache and probably everyone else too so I'll take one for the team if it keeps you quiet."

      "Wait guys-" Chad started but Sakadi beat him to it.

      "Really?!" She grinned, knowledge of her brace completely slipping. Ethan nodded with thinly pressed lips. The group stopped in their tracks at the entrance of the red-brick building when they witnessed a sight that could only be seen beyond death. Sakadi June Renaux was embracing Ethan Chandler Landry in a hug. Willingly. Sober. Smiling.

He froze. Sam froze. Tara froze. Chad froze. Callum froze. Mindy froze. She froze.

Sakadi's eyes widened when she realized what she had done and she almost called Ghostface on her phone when she felt a twinge in her chest and heat crawl up her throat.

The brunette cleared her throat. "What?"


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