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the next morning, Rafe and i took my car down to Barry's to deal with some 'business'.

Rafe's business could involve anything—legal or not—and by now, i knew better than to ask questions.

we pulled up outside Barry's caravan and i spotted him in the garden next to the creek.

he was loitering suspiciously by what appeared to be a small makeshift brick kiln.

"is there a body in there or something?" i muttered under my breath. "are we here for a cremation?"

Rafe laughed, "no, it's something a little better."

"i mean, i could list quite a few things are better than burning a dead body."

he squeezed my thigh gently and got out of the car.

i followed, frowning as he greeted Barry.

"i swear this shit's straight outta church, bro." Barry sipped from a bottle of brandy.

"what 'shit'?" i asked nobody in particular.

"you didn't tell her?" Barry turned to Rafe.

Rafe didn't reply, instead walking past him and picking up a piece of corrugated iron and placing it on top of the kiln.

"what are we doing here, Rafe?" i sighed.

"i got the cross back," he told me. "we are turning it into untraceable money,"

"untraceable, huh," Barry helped cover the kiln in the iron.

"you're burning it?" i figured.

"yeah," Rafe leaned into the kiln and after a second reappeared, pocketing something and beckoning me over. "i heard some crazy shit happened last night."

"is that right?" Barry grinned knowingly.

"you know that fake cross we put on the train?"

"yeah," Barry's eyes shone.

"it was stolen." Rafe nodded.

"you think it was the Pogues?" i figured.

"well no doubt." Rafe pointed at the cross, "i'd pay half the value of that to see the look on their faces when they open the box."

"i bet you would," Barry stared at the kiln. "you know what the melting point of gold is, Mrs. Country Club?"

i glared at him.

"one thousand, nine hundred and forty eight degrees—hot enough to melt me and you."

"what a great observation."

he shrugged and turned to Rafe. "you know, i don't know if i got this in me, bro."

"i do," he didn't hesitate.

"yeah, thought you did." Barry handed him a box of matches. "it's all yours, Country Club."

Rafe struck a match and threw it into the kiln.

the cross caught fire immediately and i shielded my face with my arm against the heat.

Rafe stared at the flames, mesmerised as his eyes shone.

he snapped out of his trance and bent down, picking up another sheet of metal and using it to cover the door over.

he had a look on his face that i knew all too well—his plan was working.

"well, we're going to hell for this, that's for sure." Barry said from behind us.

"at least we'll die rich," Rafe straightened.

"you're already rich, bro." Barry shook his head. "i don't know why you're going to all this trouble."

Rafe put a hand on his shoulder. "i'll be back later, text me if anything happens."

"will do, bro." Barry raised his eyebrows and headed into his caravan.

"come on then, Junie June." Rafe slipped his arm round my waist and guided me back to the car. "let's get you home."

ALWAYS || RAFE CAMERON Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora